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Early onset sepsis calculator-based management of newborns exposed to maternal intrapartum fever: a cost benefit analysis.
Journal of Perinatology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-28 , DOI: 10.1038/s41372-019-0316-y
Cynthia L Gong 1, 2 , Shom Dasgupta-Tsinikas 3 , Kenneth M Zangwill 3, 4 , Michael Bolaris 3, 4 , Joel W Hay 1

OBJECTIVE To determine potential net monetary benefit of an early onset sepsis calculator-based approach for management of neonates exposed to maternal intrapartum fever, compared to existing guidelines. STUDY DESIGN We performed a cost-benefit analysis comparing two management approaches for newborns >34 weeks gestational age exposed to maternal intrapartum fever. Probabilities of sepsis and meningitis, consequences of infection and antibiotic use, direct medical costs, and indirect costs for long-term disability and mortality were considered. RESULTS A calculator-based approach resulted in a net monetary benefit of $3998 per infant with a 60% likelihood of net benefit in probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Our model predicted a 67% decrease in antibiotic use in the calculator arm. The absolute difference for all adverse clinical outcomes between approaches was ≤0.6%. CONCLUSIONS Compared to existing guidelines, a calculator-based approach for newborns exposed to maternal intrapartum fever yields a robust net monetary benefit, largely by preventing unnecessary antibiotic treatment.



目的与现有指南相比,确定基于早期发病的脓毒症计算器的方法对新生儿产妇分娩期发热的管理的潜在净货币收益。研究设计我们进行了成本效益分析,比较了孕产妇产后发热> 34周胎龄的新生儿的两种管理方法。考虑了败血症和脑膜炎的可能性,感染和抗生素使用的后果,直接医疗费用以及长期残疾和死亡率的间接费用。结果基于计算器的方法得出的每位婴儿的净货币收益为3998美元,在概率敏感性分析中有60%的净收益可能性。我们的模型预测计算器臂中的抗生素使用量将减少67%。两种方法之间所有不良临床结局的绝对差异为≤0.6%。结论与现有的指南相比,基于计算器的方法对产妇产后发热的新生儿产生了可观的净货币收益,主要是通过避免了不必要的抗生素治疗。