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Size‐Exclusion Borane‐Catalyzed Domino 1,3‐Allylic/Reductive Ireland–Claisen Rearrangements: Impact of the Electronic and Structural Parameters on the 1,3‐Allylic Shift Aptitude
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-25 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.201900161
Dániel Fegyverneki 1 , Natália Kolozsvári 1 , Dániel Molnár 1 , Orsolya Egyed 1 , Tamás Holczbauer 1 , Tibor Soós 1

Invited for the cover of this issue is the group of Tibor Soós at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The image depicts a metaphorical representation of the catalytic cycles and the size‐exclusion concept of the reported metal‐free, one‐pot reductive Ireland–Claisen rearrangement. Read the full text of the article at 10.1002/chem.201805208.


尺寸排阻硼烷催化的多米诺骨牌1,3-Allylic /还原爱尔兰-Claisen重排:电子和结构参数对1,3-Allylic移位能力的影响

匈牙利科学院的TiborSoós小组受邀参加本期杂志的封面。图像描绘了催化循环的隐喻表示,以及所报道的无金属,一锅还原爱尔兰-克莱森重排的尺寸排阻概念。阅读文章全文10.1002 / chem.201805208。