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Full Organic Aqueous Battery Based on TEMPO Small Molecule with Millimeter-Thick Electrodes
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-19 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b03282
Sofia Perticarari 1, 2 , Elodie Grange 1 , Tom Doizy 1 , Yann Pellegrin 2 , Eric Quarez 1 , Kenichi Oyaizu 3 , Antonio Jesus Fernandez-Ropero 1 , Dominique Guyomard 1 , Philippe Poizot 1 , Fabrice Odobel 2 , Joël Gaubicher 1

Thick electrodes with sodium and even anion intercalation organic compounds integrated in a neutral-pH aqueous battery offer unique advantages in terms of round trip efficiency, environmental impact, and scalability for off- or on-grid renewable energy storage. Herein, we report the first anion-rocking chair/dual-ion organic battery. The latter reaches 35 Wh/kgmaterials at a C/8 rate. It shows remarkable cyclability and coulombic efficiency in a cheap and neutral NaClO4 electrolyte pouch cell with highly loaded millimeter-thick electrodes (5 mAh/cm2). This achievement is based on a thorough study of a commercial 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-N-oxyl (TEMPO) (TEMPO) benzene derivative, namely, 4-hydroxy TEMPO benzoate, and its naphthalene analog (4-carboxy TEMPO naphthalate) as positive electrode materials and a bipyridinium–naphthalene oligomer as the negative electrode. Combined UV–vis spectroelectrochemistry and operando X-ray diffraction account for the much improved cyclability of the hydrophobic 4-carboxy TEMPO naphthalate at the expense of a lower specific capacity. This trend is reversed in the case of the 4-hydroxy TEMPO benzoate derivative. Results show that the kinetic limitations of 4-hydroxy TEMPO benzoate are associated with the surrounding composite electrode, whereas inner-grain ionic and/or electronic transports play a decisive role for 4-carboxy TEMPO naphthalate.



在中性pH水溶液电池中集成了带有钠和甚至阴离子插层有机化合物的厚电极,在往返效率,环境影响以及离网或并网可再生能源存储的可扩展性方面提供了独特的优势。在这里,我们报告了第一个阴离子摇椅/双离子有机电池。后者以C / 8速率达到35 Wh / kg材料。它在廉价且中性的NaClO 4电解质袋式电池中具有出色的可循环性和库伦效率,该电解质袋式电池具有高负荷的毫米厚电极(5 mAh / cm 2)。这项成就是基于对商用2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶基-N的透彻研究-氧基(TEMPO)(TEMPO)苯衍生物,即4-羟基TEMPO苯甲酸酯,及其萘类似物(4-羧基TEMPO萘二甲酸酯)为正极材料,双吡啶-萘低聚物为负极。紫外可见光谱电化学和操作X射线衍射相结合,以较低的比容量为代价,大大提高了疏水性4-羧基TEMPO萘甲酸萘的可循环性。在4-羟基TEMPO苯甲酸酯衍生物的情况下,这种趋势被逆转。结果表明,4-羟基TEMPO苯甲酸酯的动力学局限性与周围的复合电极有关,而内颗粒离子和/或电子传输对4-羧基TEMPO萘酸酯起决定性作用。