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Revealing the Reaction Mechanism of Sodium Selenide Confined within a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube: Implications for Na–Se Batteries
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-16 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b18555
Liang Wang 1 , Xingming Zhang 1 , Lei Deng 1 , Jianfeng Tang 1 , Huiqiu Deng , Wangyu Hu , Zhixiao Liu

The sodium–selenium (Na–Se) battery is a competitive candidate as the practical next-generation energy storage device. A Na16Se8 cluster confined within a (10, 10) single-walled carbon nanotube is constructed to reveal the nanoconfinement effect on the reaction mechanism of the Na–Se battery cathode. It is found that the nanoconfinement can enhance the electronic conductivity of Nax≥12Se8 nanostructures because itinerant electrons appear under this condition. During desodiation, polyselenide chains grow longer and the intermediate products become insulators for transferring electrons. However, hole polarons have the potential to act as charge carriers in Nax≤10Se8 nanostructures. The open-circuit voltage profile is plotted, and the voltage window is 1.67 ≤ U ≤ 1 V. After the first charge cycle, the cathode cannot discharge to Na16Se8, but the reversible specific capacity can still arrive at 302 mA h/g of the cathode composite.



钠硒(Na-Se)电池是实用的下一代能量存储设备,具有竞争优势。构造一个限制在(10,10)单壁碳纳米管中的Na 16 Se 8团簇,以揭示纳米约束对Na-Se电池阴极反应机理的影响。据发现,nanoconfinement可以增强Na组成的电子电导率X ≥128的纳米结构,因为流动的电子在该条件下出现。在脱硝过程中,聚硒化物链增长得更长,中间产物成为传输电子的绝缘体。然而,空穴极化子具有作为以Na载流子的电势X ≤108纳米结构。开路电压曲线被绘制,并且电压窗口是1.67≤ ù ≤1 V.第一充电周期后,将阴极不能排出到娜168,但可逆比容量仍然可以在302毫安ħ到达/ g的阴极复合材料。