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Three-Dimensional Porous Cobalt Phosphide Nanocubes Encapsulated in a Graphene Aerogel as an Advanced Anode with High Coulombic Efficiency for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-11 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b19613
Hong Gao 1 , Fuhua Yang 1 , Yang Zheng 1 , Qing Zhang 1 , Junnan Hao 1 , Shilin Zhang 1 , Hao Zheng 1 , Jun Chen 2 , Huakun Liu 1 , Zaiping Guo 1

An ingeniously designed porous structure can synergistically optimize the desired properties and maximize the advantages of a material as an electrode for a high-performance energy storage system. The active material with a porous nanostructure could reduce the ion diffusion path and buffer the strain caused by the volume changes during cycling. Furthermore, combining the active material with a three-dimensional (3D) graphene aerogel (GA) matrix is an ideal way to maintain the structural integrity, improve the conductivity, and overcome the aggregation problem of the nanomaterials. Herein, we adopted a facile template-based strategy to derive a composite of 3D hierarchically porous cobalt phosphide nanocubes with a graphene aerogel ([email protected]). The as-prepared [email protected] features porous cobalt phosphide nanocubes that are firmly encapsulated and uniformly distributed in the well-defined graphene aerogel skeleton. Benefiting from the hierarchical porosity, structural integrity, and conductive network, the [email protected] electrode manifests an ultrahigh initial Coulombic efficiency (88.6%), outstanding lithium storage performance in terms of excellent cycling performance (805.3 mAh·g–1 after 200 cycles at 200 mA·g–1), superior high-energy performance (351.8 mAh·g–1 after 4000 cycles at 10 A·g–1), and exceptional rate capability. Moreover, this synthesis protocol could be an instructive precedent for fabricating transition-metal-phosphide-based 3D porous composites with excellent electrochemical performances.



精心设计的多孔结构可以协同优化所需的性能,并最大限度地提高材料作为高性能能量存储系统的电极的优势。具有多孔纳米结构的活性材料可以减少离子扩散路径并缓冲循环过程中由体积变化引起的应变。此外,将活性材料与三维(3D)石墨烯气凝胶(GA)基质结合使用是保持结构完整性,提高电导率并克服纳米材料聚集问题的理想方法。在这里,我们采用了一种基于模板的简便策略,以衍生出具有石墨烯气凝胶的3D分层多孔磷化钴纳米立方复合物([受电子邮件保护])。所制备的[电子邮件保护的]具有多孔的磷化钴纳米立方体,被牢固地封装并均匀地分布在定义明确的石墨烯气凝胶骨架中。得益于分层的孔隙率,结构完整性和导电网络,[受电子邮件保护的]电极具有超高的初始库仑效率(88.6%),出色的循环性能(805.3 mAh·g)出色的锂存储性能-1以200mA·克200次循环后-1),优良的高能量的性能(351.8毫安·克-1以10 A·克4000次循环后-1),和特殊的速率的能力。此外,该合成方案可能是制备具有优异电化学性能的基于过渡金属磷化物的3D多孔复合材料的有益先例。