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Antibacterial Activity of Fe3O4/Cu Nanocomposite: Green Synthesis Using Carum carvi L. Seeds Aqueous Extract
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-11 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.201803431
Rouhollah Heydari 1 , Masoumeh Foroutan Koudehi 2 , Seied Mahdi Pourmortazavi 2

Here, we describe the using of biosynthesis method for the synthesis of Fe3O4, Cu nanoparticles and Fe3O4/Cu nanocomposite using Carum carvi extract and assessment of their antibacterial activity. Our approach is eco‐friendly, non‐toxic and clean. These nanoparticles/nanocomposites were characterized by UV‐Vis, FTIR, XRD, EDX and SEM, techniques. The findings indicated that the of Fe3O4 and Cu NPs, and Fe3O4/Cu nanocomposite have an average particle size of 25 nm, 37 nm, and 62 nm, respectively. On the other side, the Fe3O4 NPs do not have the antibacterial activity, but when they combine with Cu NPs with antibacterial activity, the Fe3O4/Cu nanocomposite shows the antimicrobial activity.


Fe3O4 / Cu纳米复合材料的抗菌活性:Carum carvi L.种子水提取物的绿色合成

在这里,我们描述了使用生物合成方法使用Carum carvi提取物合成Fe 3 O 4,Cu纳米颗粒和Fe 3 O 4 / Cu纳米复合材料,并评估了它们的抗菌活性。我们的方法是环保,无毒且清洁的。这些纳米颗粒/纳米复合材料通过紫外可见,FTIR,XRD,EDX和SEM技术进行了表征。结果表明,Fe 3 O 4和Cu NPs以及Fe 3 O 4 / Cu纳米复合材料的平均粒径分别为25 nm,37 nm和62 nm。另一方面,Fe 3 O 4NP不具有抗菌活性,但是当它们与具有抗菌活性的Cu NP结合时,Fe 3 O 4 / Cu纳米复合材料显示出抗菌活性。