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Unusual synergistic effect in layered Ruddlesden-Popper oxide enables ultrafast hydrogen evolution.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-11 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-08117-6
Yinlong Zhu 1 , Hassan A Tahini 2 , Zhiwei Hu 3 , Jie Dai 1 , Yubo Chen 4 , Hainan Sun 1 , Wei Zhou 1 , Meilin Liu 5 , Sean C Smith 2 , Huanting Wang 6 , Zongping Shao 1, 7

Efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction are key to realize clean hydrogen production through water splitting. As an important family of functional materials, transition metal oxides are generally believed inactive towards hydrogen evolution reaction, although many of them show high activity for oxygen evolution reaction. Here we report the remarkable electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction of a layered metal oxide, Ruddlesden-Popper-type Sr2RuO4 with alternative perovskite layer and rock-salt SrO layer, in an alkaline solution, which is comparable to those of the best electrocatalysts ever reported. By theoretical calculations, such excellent activity is attributed mainly to an unusual synergistic effect in the layered structure, whereby the (001) SrO-terminated surface cleaved in rock-salt layer facilitates a barrier-free water dissociation while the active apical oxygen site in perovskite layer promotes favorable hydrogen adsorption and evolution. Moreover, the activity of such layered oxide can be further improved by electrochemistry-induced activation.



高效的制氢反应电催化剂是通过水分解实现清洁制氢的关键。作为重要的功能材料族,通常认为过渡金属氧化物对氢的释放反应无活性,尽管许多过渡金属氧化物对氧的释放反应具有很高的活性。在这里,我们报告了在碱性溶液中具有交替钙钛矿层和岩石盐SrO层的层状金属氧化物Ruddlesden-Popper型Sr2RuO4的显着的氢催化反应的电催化活性,这可与有史以来最好的电催化剂相媲美。 。根据理论计算,这种出色的活性主要归因于分层结构中的异常协同作用,因此,在岩石盐层中劈开的(001)SrO端基表面促进了无障碍水的离解,而钙钛矿层中的活性顶氧位则促进了良好的氢吸附和放出。而且,这种层状氧化物的活性可以通过电化学诱导的活化来进一步提高。