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Instant Tuning of Superhydrophilic to Robust Superhydrophobic and Self-Cleaning Metallic Coating: Simple, Direct, One-Step, and Scalable Technique
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-04 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b19045
O. S. Asiq Rahman 1 , Biswajyoti Mukherjee 1 , Aminul Islam 1 , Anup Kumar Keshri 1

We present a simple, direct, one-step, scalable technique for instant tuning of all the different states of wetting characteristics using atmospheric plasma spray (APS) technique. We observed that, just by changing the process parameters in the APS technique, the wetting characteristics of an intrinsically hydrophilic aluminum metallic surface can be tuned to superhydrophilic (contact angle (CA): 0°), hydrophilic (CA: 19.6°), hydrophobic (CA: 97.6°), and superhydrophobic (CA: 156.5°) surfaces. Also, tuned superhydrophobic surface showed an excellent self-cleaning property. Further, we demonstrated that these surfaces retain their superhydrophobic nature even after exposure at elevated temperatures (up to 773 K) and on application of mechanical abrasion. Manipulation in different wetting behavior was possible mainly due to the presence of varying degrees of smooth surface as well as micropillars, which incorporated the multiscale roughness to the surface. “Re-entrant”-like microstructures such as mushroom, cauliflower, and cornet microstructures were observed in the case of tuned superhydrophobic surface, which is well-known for achieving the excellent water repellency over the hydrophilic surface.



我们提出了一种简单,直接,一步可扩展的技术,可使用大气等离子喷涂(APS)技术即时调整润湿特性的所有不同状态。我们观察到,仅通过改变APS技术中的工艺参数,就可以将本征亲水性铝金属表面的润湿特性调整为超亲水性(接触角(CA):0°),亲水性(CA:19.6°),疏水性(CA:97.6°)和超疏水(CA:156.5°)表面。而且,经调节的超疏水表面显示出优异的自清洁性能。此外,我们证明了这些表面即使在高温(高达773 K)下暴露并施加机械磨损后仍保持其超疏水性。主要由于存在不同程度的光滑表面以及微柱而将不同的润湿行为进行操纵,这些微柱将多尺度的粗糙度结合到了表面上。在调节的超疏水表面上,观察到“回折”状的微观结构,例如蘑菇,花椰菜和短号的微观结构,这是众所周知的,它在亲水性表面上具有出色的拒水性。