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Facile Synthesis of Stable and Highly Luminescent Methylammonium Lead Halide Nanocrystals for Efficient Light Emitting Devices
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-03 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b09706
Yasser Hassan 1 , Olivia J. Ashton 1 , Jong Hyun Park 2 , Guangru Li 3 , Nobuya Sakai 1 , Bernard Wenger 1 , Amir-Abbas Haghighirad 1, 4 , Nakita K. Noel 1 , Myoung Hoon Song 2 , Bo Ram Lee 3, 5 , Richard H. Friend 3 , Henry J. Snaith 1

Metal halide perovskites are promising candidates for use in light emitting diodes (LEDs), due to their potential for color tunable and high luminescence efficiency. While recent advances in perovskite-based light emitting diodes have resulted in external quantum efficiencies exceeding 12.4% for the green emitters, and infrared emitters based on 3 D/2D mixed dimensional perovskites have exceeded 20%, the external quantum efficiencies of the red and blue emitters still lag behind. A critical issue to date is creating highly emissive and stable perovskite emitters with the desirable emission band gap to achieve full-color displays and white LEDs. Herein, we report the preparation and characterization of a highly luminescent and stable suspension of cubic-shaped methylammonium lead triiodide (CH3NH3PbI3) perovskite nanocrystals, where we synthesize the nanocrystals via a ligand-assisted reprecipitation technique, using an acetonitrile/methylamine compound solvent system to solvate the ions and toluene as the antisolvent to induce crystallization. Through tuning the ratio of the ligands, the ligand to toluene ratio, and the temperature of the toluene, we obtain a solution of CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystals with a photoluminescence quantum yield exceeding 93% and tunable emission between 660 and 705 nm. We also achieved red emission at 635 nm by blending the nanocrystals with bromide salt and obtained perovskite-based light emitting diodes with maximum electroluminescent external quantum efficiency of 2.75%.



金属卤化物钙钛矿由于其颜色可调和高发光效率的潜力而成为用于发光二极管 (LED) 的有希望的候选者。虽然钙钛矿基发光二极管的最新进展导致绿色发射器的外部量子效率超过 12.4%,基于 3D/2D 混合维钙钛矿的红外发射器已超过 20%,但红色和蓝色的外部量子效率排放者仍然落后。迄今为止的一个关键问题是创造具有理想发射带隙的高发射和稳定的钙钛矿发射器,以实现全彩显示器和白光 LED。在此,我们报告了立方形甲基铵三碘化铅 (CH3NH3PbI3) 钙钛矿纳米晶体的高发光和稳定悬浮液的制备和表征,我们通过配体辅助再沉淀技术合成纳米晶体,使用乙腈/甲胺复合溶剂系统将离子溶剂化,甲苯作为抗溶剂以诱导结晶。通过调节配体的比例、配体与甲苯的比例以及甲苯的温度,我们得到了 CH3NH3PbI3 纳米晶体溶液,其光致发光量子产率超过 93%,并且在 660 和 705 nm 之间可调发射。我们还通过将纳米晶体与溴化物盐混合实现了 635 nm 的红色发射,并获得了最大电致发光外量子效率为 2.75% 的钙钛矿基发光二极管。使用乙腈/甲胺复合溶剂体系将离子溶剂化,甲苯作为反溶剂诱导结晶。通过调节配体的比例、配体与甲苯的比例以及甲苯的温度,我们得到了 CH3NH3PbI3 纳米晶体溶液,其光致发光量子产率超过 93%,并且在 660 和 705 nm 之间可调发射。我们还通过将纳米晶体与溴化物盐混合实现了 635 nm 的红色发射,并获得了最大电致发光外量子效率为 2.75% 的钙钛矿基发光二极管。使用乙腈/甲胺复合溶剂体系将离子溶剂化,甲苯作为反溶剂诱导结晶。通过调节配体的比例、配体与甲苯的比例以及甲苯的温度,我们得到了 CH3NH3PbI3 纳米晶体溶液,其光致发光量子产率超过 93%,并且在 660 和 705 nm 之间可调发射。我们还通过将纳米晶体与溴化物盐混合实现了 635 nm 的红色发射,并获得了最大电致发光外量子效率为 2.75% 的钙钛矿基发光二极管。我们获得了 CH3NH3PbI3 纳米晶体溶液,其光致发光量子产率超过 93%,可调谐发射在 660 到 705 nm 之间。我们还通过将纳米晶体与溴化物盐混合实现了 635 nm 的红色发射,并获得了最大电致发光外量子效率为 2.75% 的钙钛矿基发光二极管。我们获得了 CH3NH3PbI3 纳米晶体溶液,其光致发光量子产率超过 93%,可调谐发射在 660 到 705 nm 之间。我们还通过将纳米晶体与溴化物盐混合实现了 635 nm 的红色发射,并获得了最大电致发光外量子效率为 2.75% 的钙钛矿基发光二极管。