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Insights into the Role of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) in the Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles and Their Electrocatalytic Properties
Langmuir ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b04032
Yanru Yin 1 , Ning Ma 1 , Jing Xue 1 , Guoqiang Wang 1 , Shuibo Liu 1 , Hongliang Li 1 , Peizhi Guo 1

Four types of palladium (Pd) nanoparticles were prepared from the systems containing PdCl2 or Na2PdCl4 with or without the assistance of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP). Two types of Pd nanoparticles obtained in the absence of PVP were obviously larger than those synthesized with the assistance of PVP. The former large Pd particles showed typical features in cyclic voltammetry in H2SO4 solution, whereas two types of small Pd nanoparticles did not. However, small nanoparticles treated first in an electrochemical way in 0.5 M KOH solution displayed the adsorption and desorption peaks similar to those of typical Pd-modified electrodes in H2SO4 solution. Large Pd nanoparticles from the PdCl2 synthesis system showed a catalytic specific current of 629 mA/mg in the electrocatalysis of ethanol, whereas large particles from the Na2PdCl4 system showed a current of 262 mA/mg. The maximum catalytic currents of small Pd nanoparticles without surface cleaning treatment were 1382 and 1019 mA/mg for samples from the Na2PdCl4 and PdCl2 systems, respectively, higher than those being treated in KOH solution first, and the electrocatalytic stability of the two untreated samples was better. However, small nanoparticles after the electrochemical treatment can reach the maximum catalytic current faster. The synthesis and structure–property relation of four types of Pd nanoparticles have been discussed and analyzed on the basis of systematically experimental data.



从含有PdCl 2或Na 2 PdCl 4的系统中,在有或没有聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)的辅助下,制备了四种类型的钯(Pd)纳米颗粒。在不存在PVP的情况下获得的两种Pd纳米颗粒明显大于在PVP辅助下合成的Pd纳米颗粒。以前的大Pd颗粒在H 2 SO 4溶液中的循环伏安法中表现出典型特征,而两种类型的小Pd纳米颗粒则没有。但是,首先在0.5 M KOH溶液中以电化学方式处理的小纳米颗粒显示出与H 2 SO 4中典型的Pd修饰电极相似的吸附和解吸峰。解决方案。来自PdCl 2合成系统的大Pd纳米粒子在乙醇的电催化中显示出629 mA / mg的催化比电流,而来自Na 2 PdCl 4系统的大粒子显示出262 mA / mg的电流。对于Na 2 PdCl 4和PdCl 2样品,未经表面清洁处理的小型Pd纳米颗粒的最大催化电流为1382和1019 mA / mg分别比先在KOH溶液中处理的系统高,并且两个未处理样品的电催化稳定性更好。但是,电化学处理后的小纳米颗粒可以更快地达到最大催化电流。在系统实验数据的基础上,对四种类型的钯纳米粒子的合成及其结构与性质的关系进行了讨论和分析。