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Ba3(C3N3O3)2: A New Phase of Barium Cyanurate Containing Parallel π-Conjugated Groups as a Birefringent Material Replacement for Calcite
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01782
Jian Tang 1, 2 , Fei Liang 3 , Xianghe Meng 3 , Kaijin Kang 1, 2 , Wenlong Yin 1 , Tixian Zeng 2 , Mingjun Xia 3 , Zheshuai Lin 3 , Jiyong Yao 3 , Guochun Zhang 3 , Bin Kang 1

A new phase of Ba3(C3N3O3)2 (I) was grown from RbCNO and BaCl2 by a solid state cyclo-trimerization reaction. It crystallizes in space group R3̅ with the cell parameters of a = 7.0934(2) Å and c = 20.1130(9) Å, featuring a layered structure stacked from the 2[Ba(C3N3O3)2]2– double layers along the c direction. I exhibits wide ultraviolet transparency and large optical anisotropy of Δn = 0.32 at 800 nm, two times than that of the benchmark birefringent crystal calcite. The discovery of I shows that replacement of calcite is conceivable and opens the novel pathway for designing novel ultraviolet birefringent crystals in metal cyanurates.


Ba 3(C 3 N 3 O 32:含平行π共轭基团的氰尿酸钡的新相作为方解石的双折射材料替代物

通过固态环三聚反应,由RbCNO和BaCl 2生成了Ba 3(C 3 N 3 O 32I)的新相。该晶体的空间群[R 3与小区参数一个= 7.0934(2)埃,c ^ = 20.1130(9)埃,具有从所述层叠的层状结构2 [巴(C 3 Ñ 3 ö 32 ] 2 –沿c方向的双层。一世在800 nm处具有宽的紫外线透明性和Δn = 0.32的大光学各向异性,是基准双折射晶体方解石的两倍。I的发现表明方解石的替代是可以想到的,并为设计氰尿酸金属中的新型紫外线双折射晶体开辟了新途径。