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Complexation of Iron and Copper in Ambient Particulate Matter and Its Effect on the Oxidative Potential Measured in a Surrogate Lung Fluid
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05731
Jinlai Wei 1 , Haoran Yu 1 , Yixiang Wang 1 , Vishal Verma 1

We investigated the complexation state of atmospheric iron and copper and its impact on the oxidative potential (OP) of ambient PM2.5 (PM, particulate matter). A novel fractionation scheme was developed to segregate three different fractions of Fe and Cu present in ambient PM2.5: (i) complexed with hydrophobic organic compounds, (ii) complexed with hydrophilic organic compounds, and (iii) free or inorganic metal fraction. A solid phase extraction (C-18) column was used to separate these fractions. The fractionation scheme applied to the ambient PM2.5 samples collected from an urban site showed that up to 70–90% of water-soluble Fe and Cu were complexed with the organic compounds. The capability of the complexes of Fe(II) and Cu(II) with Suwanee river fulvic acid (SRFA), a proxy for the atmospheric organic compounds, to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) (·OH and H2O2) in a surrogate lung fluid (SLF) was measured. The complex of Fe–SRFA showed a strong synergistic effect in the generation of ·OH in SLF, while that of Cu–SRFA showed an additive effect. Overall, our results indicate that organic complexation of the metals in ambient PM could significantly alter their OP and needs to be considered while assessing their health impacts.



我们研究了大气中铁和铜的络合状态及其对环境PM 2.5(PM,颗粒物)氧化电位(OP)的影响。开发了一种新颖的分馏方案以分离环境PM 2.5中存在的三个不同的Fe和Cu组分:(i)与疏水性有机化合物络合,(ii)与亲水性有机化合物络合,以及(iii)游离或无机金属组分。使用固相萃取(C-18)柱分离这些馏分。分馏方案适用于环境PM 2.5从城市现场收集的样品显示,高达70-90%的水溶性Fe和Cu与有机化合物络合。Fe(II)和Cu(II)与Suwanee河富叶酸(SRFA)的络合物在大气中生成活性氧类(ROS)(·OH和H 2 O 2)的能力,后者是大气有机化合物的代用品。测量了替代肺液(SLF)。Fe-SRFA的络合物在SLF中生成·OH时显示出强大的协同作用,而Cu-SRFA的络合物则显示出加和作用。总体而言,我们的结果表明,环境PM中金属的有机络合可显着改变其OP,在评估其对健康的影响时需要加以考虑。