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Facile Access to Guar Gum Based Supramolecular Hydrogels with Rapid Self-Healing Ability and Multistimuli Responsive Gel–Sol Transitions
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-20 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b05130
Nan Li 1 , Chuanjie Liu 1 , Wei Chen 1, 2

In this work, we prepare guar gum-based supramolecular hydrogel through the formation of borate/didiol bonds. This dynamic and reversible noncovalent borate/didiol interaction is critical for the multifunctional properties of supramolecular hydrogel. The FT-IR and XRD analysis verified the existence of boronate ester interactions between borax and guar gum. Moreover, the viscoelastic and mechanical behaviors of the hydrogels with different guar gum concentrations showed that the storage modulus and compressive stress were highest at guar gum concentration of 2 wt %. Besides, due to the dynamic and reservable properties of boronate ester, these guar gum-based hydrogels had excellent self-healing property, outstanding reformable and injectable capability. In addition, hydrogels also exhibited reversible gel–sol transformations by the application of physicochemical stimuli such as thermal and pH value. The coupling of these multifunctional properties made from low-cost, environment friendly, and readily available materials could have potential applications in many biomedical areas in the future. We expect that this simple strategy of fabricating the self-healing guar gum hydrogels with multistimuli responsive properties may enrich the avenue in the exploration of multifunctional guar gum based hydrogels to expand their potential applications in various fields.



在这项工作中,我们通过形成硼酸酯/二二醇键来制备基于瓜尔胶的超分子水凝胶。这种动态和可逆的非共价硼酸酯/二二醇相互作用对于超分子水凝胶的多功能特性至关重要。FT-IR和XRD分析证实了硼砂与瓜尔豆胶之间存在硼酸酯相互作用。此外,具有不同瓜耳胶浓度的水凝胶的粘弹性和力学行为表明,在瓜耳胶浓度为2 wt%时,储能模量和压缩应力最高。此外,由于硼酸酯的动态性和可保留性,这些瓜耳胶基水凝胶具有出色的自修复性能,出色的可重整和可注射能力。此外,通过使用物理化学刺激(例如热和pH值),水凝胶还表现出可逆的凝胶-溶胶转化。由低成本,环境友好和易于获得的材料制成的这些多功能特性的结合,在未来的许多生物医学领域中可能具有潜在的应用。我们希望,这种简单的制备具有多刺激响应特性的自愈瓜耳胶水凝胶的策略可以丰富探索基于多功能瓜耳胶的水凝胶以拓展其在各个领域中的潜在应用的途径。