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Growth of SrTiO3 Single Crystals with a Diameter of about 30 mm by the Verneuil Method
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-19 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01004
Yasushi Tateno 1, 2 , Kazuhiro Endo 2 , Shunichi Arisawa 3 , Aurel-Mihai Vlaicu 4 , Liviu Nedelcu 4 , Nicoleta Preda 4 , Mihail Secu 4 , Raluca Iordanescu 5 , Andrei C. Kuncser 4 , Petre Badica 4

The work demonstrates growth by the Verneuil method of SrTiO3 single crystals of 30 mm in diameter. Experiments are performed under an industrial environment. Growth was for 4.75 h, i.e., within one production shift. The optimum growth conditions for which the length of the region with bubbles D is zero and the effective length EL (i.e., the crystal length of commercial value) is maximized are for the amount of SrCO3 additive of ∼3 wt % and for H2 outer flow rate of ∼35 L/min. These two parameters show the strongest influence on the bubble-free growth, but other growth parameters (H2 inner flow rate, O2 flow rate increase, rotation speed) were also optimized. Selected crystals are characterized from the structural, microstructural, optical, and THz spectroscopy viewpoints, and they are compared with a commercial substrate and with crystals reported in the literature. This work opens the possibility for the industrial growth of large SrTiO3 single crystals and commercialization of large area substrates.


用Verneuil法生长直径约30mm的SrTiO 3单晶。

这项工作通过Verneuil方法证明了直径为30 mm的SrTiO 3单晶的生长。实验是在工业环境下进行的。生长持续4.75小时,即在一个生产班次内。SrCO 3添加剂的量约为3 wt%,H 2的最佳生长条件是气泡区域D的长度为零且有效长度EL(即商业价值的晶体长度)最大。外部流量约为35 L / min。这两个参数显示出对无气泡生长的最大影响,但其他生长参数(H 2内部流量,O 2流量增加,转速)也进行了优化。从结构,微结构,光学和太赫兹光谱学的角度对选定的晶体进行表征,然后将它们与商业基质和文献中报道的晶体进行比较。这项工作为大型SrTiO 3单晶的工业发展和大面积基板的商业化开辟了可能性。