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Inverse Adsorption Separation of CO2/C2H2 Mixture in Cyclodextrin-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-19 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b19590
Liangying Li 1 , Jiawei Wang 1 , Zhiguo Zhang 1 , Qiwei Yang 1 , Yiwen Yang 1 , Baogen Su 1 , Zongbi Bao 1 , Qilong Ren 1

The demand for CO2/C2H2 separation, especially the removal of CO2 impurity, continues to grow because of the high-purity C2H2 required for various industrial applications. The adsorption separation of C2H2 and CO2 via porous materials is gaining a considerable attention as it is more energy-efficient compared with cryogenic distillation. The ideal porous materials are those that preferentially adsorb CO2 over C2H2; however, very few adsorbents meet such requirement. Herein, two isostructural cyclodextrin-based CD-MOFs (CD-MOF-1 and CD-MOF-2) were demonstrated to have an inverse ability to selectively capture CO2 from C2H2 by single-component adsorption isotherms and dynamic breakthrough experiments. These two MOFs showed excellent adsorption capacity and benchmark selectivity (118.7) for CO2/C2H2 mixture at room temperature, enabling the pure C2H2 to be obtained in only one step. This work revealed that these materials were promising adsorbents for obtaining high-purity C2H2 via selectively capturing CO2 from C2H2.


环糊精基金属-有机骨架中CO 2 / C 2 H 2混合物的逆吸附分离

由于各种工业应用所需的高纯度C 2 H 2,对CO 2 / C 2 H 2分离,尤其是除去CO 2杂质的需求持续增长。通过多孔材料吸附分离C 2 H 2和CO 2引起了人们的极大关注,因为与低温蒸馏相比,它具有更高的能效。理想的多孔材料是那些比C 2 H 2优先吸附CO 2的材料; 但是,很少有吸附剂能满足这种要求。在本文中,通过单组分吸附等温线和动态突破实验证明,两种基于同构环糊精的CD-MOF(CD-MOF-1和CD-MOF-2)具有从C 2 H 2选择性捕获CO 2的反向能力。。这两个MOF在室温下对CO 2 / C 2 H 2混合物显示出优异的吸附能力和基准选择性(118.7),从而仅一步即可获得纯C 2 H 2。这项工作表明,这些材料是获得高纯度C 2 H 2的有希望的吸附剂。通过选择性地从C 2 H 2捕获CO 2来实现。