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The frequencies of micronuclei, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds as biomarkers of genomic instability in patients with urothelial cell carcinoma.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-Dec-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35903-5
Arjeta Podrimaj-Bytyqi , Ana Borovečki , Qerim Selimi , Suzana Manxhuka-Kerliu , Goneta Gashi , Isa R. Elezaj

Bladder urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) is an increasingly prevalent cancer worldwide, and thus, gaining a better understanding of its identifiable risk factors is a global priority. This study addressed this public health need with the understanding that cancer-initiating events, such as chromosome breakage, loss and rearrangement, can be reasonably used as biomarkers to evaluate an individual's cancer risk. Overall, forty bladder cancer patients and twenty controls were evaluated for genomic instability. To the best of the investigators' knowledge, this is the first study to perform micronucleus (MN) assays simultaneously in urothelial exfoliated cells (UEC), buccal exfoliated cells (BEC), and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in first-diagnosed, non-smoker bladder UCC patients. Additionally, the frequency of nucleoplasmic bridges (NPBs) and nuclear buds (NBUDs) in PBL was evaluated. The MN frequencies in UEC, BEC, and PBL, as well as the frequencies of NPBs and NBUDs, were significantly higher in patients than in controls. In conclusion, MN assays, particularly in UEC, may be used to identify individuals who are at high risk of developing UCC, as single or as additional triage test to UroVysion FISH test. Our results further validate the efficacy of biomarkers, such as MN, NPBs, and NBUDs, as predictors of genomic instability.



膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌(UCC)是世界范围内越来越流行的癌症,因此,对其可识别的危险因素的更好的了解是全球的首要任务。这项研究满足了这种公共卫生需求,并理解可以将诸如染色体断裂,丢失和重排之类的癌症引发事件合理地用作评估个人癌症风险的生物标志物。总体而言,对40名膀胱癌患者和20名对照进行了基因组不稳定评估。据研究人员所知,这是首次在尿道上皮脱落细胞(UEC),颊部脱落细胞(BEC)和外周血淋巴细胞(PBL)中同时进行微核(MN)检测的首次研究,吸烟的膀胱UCC患者。此外,评估了PBL中核质桥(NPB)和核芽(NBUD)的频率。患者的UEC,BEC和PBL中的MN频率以及NPB和NBUD的频率显着高于对照组。总之,MN检测,尤其是UEC中的检测,可用于鉴定处于发展UCC高风险的个体,作为UroVysion FISH检测的单一或附加分类检测。我们的结果进一步验证了生物标记物(例如MN,NPB和NBUD)作为基因组不稳定性预测因子的功效。作为UroVysion FISH测试的单一或附加分类测试。我们的结果进一步验证了生物标记物(例如MN,NPB和NBUD)作为基因组不稳定性预测因子的功效。作为UroVysion FISH测试的单一或附加分类测试。我们的结果进一步验证了生物标记物(例如MN,NPB和NBUD)作为基因组不稳定性预测因子的功效。