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Entanglement of single-photons and chiral phonons in atomically thin WSe 2
Nature Physics ( IF 17.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0366-7
Xiaotong Chen , Xin Lu , Sudipta Dubey , Qiang Yao , Sheng Liu , Xingzhi Wang , Qihua Xiong , Lifa Zhang , Ajit Srivastava

Quantum entanglement is a fundamental phenomenon that, on the one hand, reveals deep connections between quantum mechanics, gravity and spacetime1,2, and on the other hand, has practical applications as a key resource in quantum information processing3. Although it is routinely achieved in photon–atom ensembles4, entanglement involving solid-state5,6,7 or macroscopic objects8 remains challenging albeit promising for both fundamental physics and technological applications. Here, we report entanglement between collective, chiral vibrations in a two-dimensional WSe2 host—chiral phonons (CPs)—and single-photons emitted from quantum dots9,10,11,12,13 (QDs) present in it. CPs that carry angular momentum were recently observed in WSe2 and are a distinguishing feature of the underlying honeycomb lattice14,15. The entanglement results from a ‘which-way’ scattering process, involving an optical excitation in a QD and doubly-degenerate CPs, which takes place via two indistinguishable paths. Our unveiling of entanglement involving a macroscopic, collective excitation together with strong interactions between CPs and QDs in two-dimensional materials opens up ways for phonon-driven entanglement of QDs and engineering chiral or non-reciprocal interactions at the single-photon level.


单光子和手性声子在原子薄WSe 2中的纠缠

量子纠缠是一种基本现象,一方面揭示了量子力学,引力和时空1,2之间的深层联系,另一方面却具有实际应用作为量子信息处理中的关键资源3。尽管它通常是在光子-原子集合体4中实现的,但是涉及固态5,6,7或宏观物体8的纠缠仍然具有挑战性,尽管对基础物理和技术应用都有希望。在这里,我们报告了二维WSe 2宿主(手性声子(CP))与从量子点9,10,11,12,13发出的单光子之间的集体手征振动之间的纠缠(QD)。CPs携带角动量是最近在WSe 2中观察到的,并且是下面的蜂窝格14,15的显着特征。纠缠是由“双向”散射过程引起的,该过程涉及QD和双简并CP的光学激发,这是通过两条无法区分的路径发生的。我们揭露的纠缠涉及宏观的集体激发以及二维材料中CP和QD之间的强相互作用,为声子驱动的QD纠缠以及单光子级的工程手性或非互易相互作用开辟了道路。
