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Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses.
Nature Reviews Microbiology ( IF 69.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41579-018-0118-9
Jie Cui 1 , Fang Li 2 , Zheng-Li Shi 1

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) are two highly transmissible and pathogenic viruses that emerged in humans at the beginning of the 21st century. Both viruses likely originated in bats, and genetically diverse coronaviruses that are related to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were discovered in bats worldwide. In this Review, we summarize the current knowledge on the origin and evolution of these two pathogenic coronaviruses and discuss their receptor usage; we also highlight the diversity and potential of spillover of bat-borne coronaviruses, as evidenced by the recent spillover of swine acute diarrhoea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV) to pigs.



严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)和中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)是21世纪初在人类中出现的两种高度传染性和致病性的病毒。这两种病毒可能起源于蝙蝠,并且在世界各地的蝙蝠中发现了与 SARS-CoV 和 MERS-CoV 相关的遗传多样性冠状病毒。在这篇综述中,我们总结了目前关于这两种致病冠状病毒的起源和进化的知识,并讨论了它们的受体用途;我们还强调了蝙蝠传播的冠状病毒的多样性和溢出潜力,最近猪急性腹泻综合征冠状病毒(SADS-CoV)向猪的溢出就证明了这一点。