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Strong and Tough Chitin Film from α-Chitin Nanofibers Prepared by High Pressure Homogenization and Chitosan Addition
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05452
Ngesa Ezekiel Mushi 1, 2 , Takashi Nishino 3 , Lars A. Berglund 1 , Qi Zhou 1, 4

Chitin nanofibers are an interesting biological nanomaterial for advanced applications, for example, in medicine, electronics, packaging and water purification. The challenge is to separate chitin nanofibers from protein in the exoskeleton structure of arthropods and avoid nanofibril aggregation to realize the mechanical potential of chitin. In this work, we developed a new method for the preparation of chitin nanofibers from lobster shell exoskeleton using 10 wt % chitosan as a sacrificial polymer. The addition of chitosan in the raw chitin colloidal suspension during high pressure homogenization process at pH 3 significantly reduced the agglomeration of chitin nanofibers as revealed by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Chitin film prepared from the chitin nanofiber suspension by vacuum filtration exhibited a true nanofibrils network structure without fibril aggregations as characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The presence of chitosan not only improves the colloidal stability of chitin nanofibers suspension but also facilitates the formation of chitin nanofiber network structure in the film as indicated by wide-angle X-ray diffraction analysis. The chitin nanofiber film with 4 ± 1 wt % residual chitosan showed high tensile strength (187.2 ± 5.6 MPa) and high work of fracture (12.1 ± 0.4 MJ/m3), much higher than those chitin and chitosan films reported previously in the literature.



几丁质纳米纤维是一种有趣的生物纳米材料,可用于高级应用,例如医药,电子,包装和水净化。面临的挑战是在节肢动物的外骨骼结构中将几丁质纳米纤维与蛋白质分离,并避免纳米原纤维聚集以实现几丁质的机械潜力。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种新方法,可使用10 wt%的壳聚糖作为牺牲聚合物,从龙虾壳外骨骼中制备甲壳质纳米纤维。动态光散射和透射电子显微镜显示,在pH值为3的高压均质过程中,将几丁聚糖添加到原始几丁质胶体悬浮液中可显着降低几丁质纳米纤维的团聚。由几丁质纳米纤维悬浮液通过真空过滤制备的几丁质膜表现出真正的纳米原纤维网络结构,而没有原纤维聚集,这是通过扫描电子显微镜表征的。壳聚糖的存在不仅改善了几丁质纳米纤维悬浮液的胶体稳定性,而且还促进了薄膜中几丁质纳米纤维网络结构的形成,如广角X射线衍射分析所示。残余壳聚糖含量为4±1 wt%的几丁质纳米纤维膜显示出高拉伸强度(187.2±5.6 MPa)和高断裂功(12.1±0.4 MJ / m)壳聚糖的存在不仅改善了几丁质纳米纤维悬浮液的胶体稳定性,而且还促进了薄膜中几丁质纳米纤维网络结构的形成,如广角X射线衍射分析所示。残余壳聚糖含量为4±1 wt%的几丁质纳米纤维膜显示出高拉伸强度(187.2±5.6 MPa)和高断裂功(12.1±0.4 MJ / m)壳聚糖的存在不仅改善了几丁质纳米纤维悬浮液的胶体稳定性,而且还促进了薄膜中几丁质纳米纤维网络结构的形成,如广角X射线衍射分析所示。残余壳聚糖含量为4±1 wt%的几丁质纳米纤维膜显示出高拉伸强度(187.2±5.6 MPa)和高断裂功(12.1±0.4 MJ / m)3),远高于文献中先前报道的几丁质和壳聚糖膜。