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Static Regulation and Dynamic Evolution of Single‐Atom Catalysts in Thermal Catalytic Reactions
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-27 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.201801471 Hongliang Li 1 , Menglin Wang 1 , Laihao Luo 1 , Jie Zeng 1
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-27 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.201801471 Hongliang Li 1 , Menglin Wang 1 , Laihao Luo 1 , Jie Zeng 1
Single‐atom catalysts provide an ideal platform to bridge the gap between homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts. Here, the recent progress in this field is reported from the perspectives of static regulation and dynamic evolution. The syntheses and characterizations of single‐atom catalysts are briefly discussed as a prerequisite for catalytic investigation. From the perspective of static regulation, the metal–support interaction is illustrated in how the supports alter the electronic properties of single atoms and how the single atoms activate the inert atoms in supports. The synergy between single atoms is highlighted. Besides these static views, the surface reconstruction, such as displacement and aggregation of single atoms in catalytic conditions, is summarized. Finally, the current technical challenges and mechanistic debates in single‐atom heterogeneous catalysts are discussed.