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Chemically Induced Morphogenesis of P22 Virus-like Particles by the Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate.
Biomacromolecules ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b01357
Ekaterina Selivanovitch 1 , Ranjit Koliyatt 1 , Trevor Douglas 1

In the infectious P22 bacteriophage, the packaging of DNA into the initially formed procapsid triggers a remarkable morphological transformation where the capsid expands from 58 to 62 nm. Along with the increase in size, this maturation also provides greater stability to the capsid and initiates the release of the scaffolding protein (SP). (2,4) In the P22 virus-like particle (VLP), this transformation can be mimicked in vitro by heating the procapsid particles to 65 °C or by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). (5,6) Heating the P22 particles at 65 °C for 20 min is well established to trigger the transformation of P22 to the expanded (EX) P22 VLP but does not always result in a fully expanded population. Incubation with SDS resulted in a >80% expanded population for all P22 variants used in this work. This study elucidates the importance of the stoichiometric ratio between P22 subunits and SDS, the charge of the headgroup, and length of the carbon chain for the transformation. We propose a mechanism by which the expansion takes place, where both the negatively charged sulfate group and hydrophobic tail interact with the coat protein (CP) monomers within the capsid shell in a process that is facilitated by an internal osmotic pressure generated by an encapsulated macromolecular cargo.



在具有感染力的P22噬菌体中,将DNA包装到最初形成的前衣壳中会触发显着的形态转化,其中衣壳从58 nm扩展到62 nm。随着大小的增加,这种成熟还为衣壳提供了更大的稳定性,并启动了脚手架蛋白(SP)的释放。(2,4)在P22病毒样颗粒(VLP)中,可以通过将前衣壳颗粒加热到65°C或用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)处理,在体外模拟这种转化。(5,6)已确定将P22颗粒在65°C加热20分钟以触发P22向转变为(EX)P22 VLP的转变,但并不总是导致群体完全膨胀。与SDS一起孵育后,这项工作中使用的所有P22变体的种群数量均增加了80%以上。这项研究阐明了P22亚基与SDS之间的化学计量比,头部基团的电荷以及碳链长度对于转化的重要性。我们提出了一种发生膨胀的机制,其中带负电荷的硫酸盐基团和疏水性尾基均与衣壳壳内的外壳蛋白(CP)单体相互作用,而该过程受封装的大分子产生的内部渗透压的促进货物。