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New insights into the mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and implications for cancer.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology ( IF 81.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41580-018-0080-4
Anushka Dongre 1 , Robert A Weinberg 1, 2, 3

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cellular programme that is known to be crucial for embryogenesis, wound healing and malignant progression. During EMT, cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions are remodelled, which leads to the detachment of epithelial cells from each other and the underlying basement membrane, and a new transcriptional programme is activated to promote the mesenchymal fate. In the context of neoplasias, EMT confers on cancer cells increased tumour-initiating and metastatic potential and a greater resistance to elimination by several therapeutic regimens. In this Review, we discuss recent findings on the mechanisms and roles of EMT in normal and neoplastic tissues, and the cell-intrinsic signals that sustain expression of this programme. We also highlight how EMT gives rise to a variety of intermediate cell states between the epithelial and the mesenchymal state, which could function as cancer stem cells. In addition, we describe the contributions of the tumour microenvironment in inducing EMT and the effects of EMT on the immunobiology of carcinomas.



上皮间质转化 (EMT) 是一种细胞程序,已知对胚胎发生、伤口愈合和恶性进展至关重要。在 EMT 期间,细胞-细胞和细胞-细胞外基质的相互作用被重塑,这导致上皮细胞彼此分离以及下层基底膜,并激活了一个新的转录程序以促进间充质的命运。在肿瘤的背景下,EMT 赋予癌细胞增加的肿瘤起始和转移潜力以及对几种治疗方案消除的更大抵抗力。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了关于 EMT 在正常和肿瘤组织中的机制和作用的最新发现,以及维持该程序表达的细胞内在信号。我们还强调了 EMT 如何在上皮和间充质状态之间产生各种中间细胞状态,这些中间细胞状态可以起到癌症干细胞的作用。此外,我们描述了肿瘤微环境在诱导 EMT 中的贡献以及 EMT 对癌症免疫生物学的影响。