PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-14 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207412 John Harper 1 , Dagmara Gasior 1 , Ros Mathews 1 , Ann Thomas 1 , Caron Evans 1 , Julie King 2 , Ian King 2 , Mike Humphreys 1 , Ian Armstead 1
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Alien chromosome introgression is used for the transfer of beneficial traits in plant breeding. For temperate forage grasses, much of the work in this context has focused on species within the ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and the closely related fescues (Festuca spp.) particularly with a view to combining high forage quality with reliability and enhanced environmental services. We have analysed a L. perenne (perennial ryegrass) population containing the majority of a F. pratensis (meadow fescue) genome as introgressed chromosome segments to identify a) marker-trait associations for nutrient use and abiotic stress response across the family, and b) to assess the effects of introgression of F. pratensis genomic regions on phenotype. Using container-based assays and a system of flowing solution culture, we looked at phenotype responses, including root growth, to nitrogen and phosphorus status in the growing medium and abiotic stresses within this festulolium family. A number of significant marker/trait associations were identified across the family for root biomass on chromosomes 2, 3 and 5 and for heading date on chromosome 2. Of particular interest was a region on chromosome 2 associated with increased root biomass in phosphorus-limited conditions derived from one of the L. perenne parents. A genotype containing F. pratensis chromosome 4 as a monosomic introgression showed increased tiller number, shoot and root growth and genotypes with F. pratensis chromosome segment introgressions at different ends of chromosome 4 exhibited differential phenotypes across a variety of test conditions. There was also a general negative correlation between the extent of the F. pratensis genome that had been introgressed and root-related trait performances. We conclude that 1) the identification of alleles affecting root growth has potential application in forage grass breeding and, 2) F. pratensis introgressions can enhance quantitative traits, however, introgression can also have more general negative effects.

外来染色体渗入用于植物育种中有益性状的转移。对于温带饲草,这方面的大部分工作都集中在黑麦草 ( Lolium spp.) 和密切相关的羊茅 ( Festuca spp.) 内的物种,特别是着眼于将高饲草质量与可靠性和增强的环境服务结合起来。我们已经分析了L 。 perenne (多年生黑麦草)种群含有大部分F 。草地羊茅 (meadow fescue) 基因组作为渗入染色体片段,以确定 a) 整个家族的营养利用和非生物胁迫反应的标记性状关联,b) 评估草地羊茅基因渗入的影响。草地早熟禾基因组区域对表型的影响。使用基于容器的测定和流动溶液培养系统,我们研究了表型反应,包括根生长、生长介质中的氮和磷状态以及该羊粪家族中的非生物胁迫。在整个家族中,在 2、3 和 5 号染色体上的根生物量以及 2 号染色体上的抽穗日期中发现了许多重要的标记/性状关联。特别令人感兴趣的是 2 号染色体上的一个区域,该区域与磷限制条件下增加的根生物量相关源自L之一。佩雷纳的父母。含有F 的基因型。草地早熟禾4 号染色体作为单体渗入显示出增加的分蘖数、芽和根的生长以及F 的基因型。 4 号染色体不同末端的草地早熟禾染色体片段渗入在各种测试条件下表现出差异表型。 F的程度之间也存在普遍的负相关。已渗入的草地早熟禾基因组和与根相关的性状表现。我们的结论是:1)影响根生长的等位基因的鉴定在饲草育种中具有潜在的应用,2) F 。草地早熟禾基因渗入可以增强数量性状,然而,基因渗入也可能产生更普遍的负面影响。