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Bilateral Round Scar-like Lesions on the Face of a Young Man
JAMA Dermatology ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2018.3899
Lucía Quintana Castanedo 1 , María José Beato Merino 2 , Almudena Nuño González 1

A 26-year-old man presented with a several-year history of persistent round lesions with a scar-like appearance on his face. Before evaluation, his condition had been diagnosed as lupus and lipoatrophy and he tried several treatments with no success.

The results of his physical examination showed several round atrophic lesions on his face, symmetric and bilateral, that were located especially on the malar and preauricular areas, with a diameter of 5 to 10 mm. His skin lesions were not indurated and displayed no epidermal changes (Figure 1). The patient denied experiencing previous inflammation. He had no history of chicken pox or acne or traumatic lesions in those areas. New punch biopsy specimens were obtained for further evaluation.




他的身体检查结果显示,他的脸部对称和双侧有多个圆形萎缩性病变,尤其是在黄斑和耳前区域,直径为5至10 mm。他的皮肤病变没有硬结,也没有表现出表皮变化(图1)。该患者否认曾经历过炎症。他在那些地区没有水痘,痤疮或外伤性病变的病史。获得了新的打孔活检标本,以作进一步评估。
