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High-affinity CD16-polymorphism and Fc-engineered antibodies enable activity of CD16-chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells for cancer therapy.
British Journal of Cancer ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-15 , DOI: 10.1038/s41416-018-0341-1
Felicitas Rataj 1 , Severin J Jacobi 1 , Stefan Stoiber 1 , Florian Asang 1 , Justyna Ogonek 1 , Nicholas Tokarew 1 , Bruno L Cadilha 1 , Erwin van Puijenbroek 2 , Constanze Heise 1 , Peter Duewell 1 , Stefan Endres 1 , Christian Klein 2 , Sebastian Kobold 1

BACKGROUND CD16-chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) T cells recognise the Fc-portion of therapeutic antibodies, which can enable the selective targeting of different antigens. Limited evidence exists as to which CD16-CAR design and antibody partner might be most effective. We have hypothesised that the use of high-affinity CD16 variants, with increased Fc-terminus antibody affinity, combined with Fc-engineered antibodies, would provide superior CD16-CAR T cell efficacy. METHODS CD16-CAR T (wild-type or variants) cells were co-cultured with Panc-1 pancreatic cancer, Raji lymphoma or A375 melanoma cells in the presence or absence of anti-CD20, anti-MCSP, wild-type or the glycoengineered antibody variants. The endpoints were proliferation, activation, and cytotoxicity in vitro. RESULTS The CD16 158 V variant of CD16-CAR T cells showed increased cytotoxic activity against all the tested cancer cells in the presence of the wild-type antibody directed against MCSP or CD20. Glycoengineered antibodies enhanced CD16-CAR T cell activity irrespective of CD16 polymorphisms as compared with the wild-type antibody. The combination of the glycoengineered antibodies with the CD16-CAR 158 V variant synergised as seen by the increase in all endpoints. CONCLUSION These results indicate that CD16-CAR with the high-affinity CD16 variant 158 V, combined with Fc-engineered antibodies, have high anti-tumour efficacy.



背景技术CD16嵌合抗原受体(CAR)T细胞识别治疗性抗体的Fc部分,从而可以选择性靶向不同的抗原。关于哪种CD16-CAR设计和抗体伴侣可能最有效,证据有限。我们假设,使用具有增加的Fc末端抗体亲和力的高亲和力CD16变体,与Fc工程抗体结合,将提供卓越的CD16-CAR T细胞功效。方法在存在或不存在抗CD20,抗MCSP,野生型或糖工程的条件下,将CD16-CAR T(野生型或变异型)细胞与Panc-1胰腺癌,Raji淋巴瘤或A375黑色素瘤细胞共培养。抗体变体。终点是体外增殖,活化和细胞毒性。结果在存在针对MCSP或CD20的野生型抗体的情况下,CD16-CAR T细胞的CD16 158 V变体显示出针对所有测试癌细胞的增强的细胞毒活性。与野生型抗体相比,糖工程蛋白抗体增强了CD16-CAR T细胞的活性,而与CD16多态性无关。糖工程抗体与CD16-CAR 158 V变体的组合具有协同作用,如所有端点的增加所见。结论这些结果表明,具有高亲和力CD16变体158 V的CD16-CAR与Fc工程抗体结合使用,具有很高的抗肿瘤功效。与野生型抗体相比,糖工程蛋白抗体增强了CD16-CAR T细胞的活性,而与CD16多态性无关。糖工程抗体与CD16-CAR 158 V变体的组合具有协同作用,如所有端点的增加所见。结论这些结果表明,具有高亲和力CD16变体158 V的CD16-CAR与Fc工程抗体结合使用,具有很高的抗肿瘤功效。与野生型抗体相比,糖工程蛋白抗体增强了CD16-CAR T细胞的活性,而与CD16多态性无关。糖工程抗体与CD16-CAR 158 V变体的组合具有协同作用,如所有端点的增加所见。结论这些结果表明,具有高亲和力CD16变体158 V的CD16-CAR与Fc工程抗体结合使用,具有很高的抗肿瘤功效。