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Li3N as a Cathode Additive for High‐Energy‐Density Lithium‐Ion Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials ( IF 24.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-01 , DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201502534
Kyusung Park 1 , Byeong-Chul Yu 1 , John B. Goodenough 1

The formation of a solid‐electrolyte interphase on the anode surface of an Li‐ion battery using an organic liquid electrolyte robs Li+ irreversibly form the cathode on the initial charge if the cells are fabricated in the discharged state. In order to increase the cathode capacity, the use of Li3N as a sacrificial source of Li+ on the initial charge has been evaluated chemically and electrochemically as an additive to an LiCoO2 cathode. Li3N is shown to be chemically stable in a dry atmosphere as small particles with fresh surfaces and can increase the reversible capacities of a full cell without compromising the rate capability of the cells.



如果电池是在放电状态下制造的,则在使用有机液体电解质的锂离子电池阳极表面上形成固体电解质中间相时,Li +会在初始充电时不可逆地抢夺Li +。为了增加阴极容量,已经在化学和电化学方面评估了Li 3 N作为初始电荷上Li +的牺牲源的使用,以作为LiCoO 2阴极的添加剂。Li 3 N在干燥的气氛中显示为化学稳定的小颗粒,具有新鲜的表面,并且可以增加整个电池的可逆容量,而不会损害电池的倍率能力。