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Solvent Controlled Transformation between Sulfonyl Hydrazides and Alkynes: Divergent Synthesis of Benzo[b]thiophene‐1,1‐dioxides and (E)‐β‐iodo Vinylsulfones
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-05 , DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201801258
Yue Ma 1 , Kun Wang 1 , Dong Zhang 1 , Peng Sun 1

A green, efficient and controllable transformation between sulfonyl hydrazides and alkynes leading to benzo[b]thiophene‐1,1‐dioxides and (E)‐β‐iodo vinylsulfones via radical pathway has been developed. The reaction occurs rapidly in the presence of simply H2O2 and KI without the help of any transition metal. The chemoselectivity of the reaction is determined by the solvent in which the process is performed: TFE favors the cyclic product, while H2O medium generates the iodosulfonylative product. Notably, this protocol also represents the first direct approach to the aggregation‐induced‐emmision (AIE) active benzo[b]thiophene‐1,1‐dioxides from readily available sulfonyl hydrazides and alkynes in one step.



已开发出一种绿色,高效且可控制的磺酰肼与炔烃之间通过自由基途径转化为苯并[ b ]噻吩-1,1-二氧化物和(E)-β-碘乙烯基砜的方法。在仅存在H 2 O 2和KI的情况下,无需任何过渡金属的帮助,该反应即可迅速发生。反应的化学选择性取决于在其中进行处理的溶剂:TFE有利于环状产物,而H 2 O介质生成碘磺酰化产物。值得注意的是,该协议也是一步一步从易得的磺酰肼和炔烃中产生聚集诱导的发射(AIE)活性苯并[ b ]噻吩-1,1-二氧化物的第一种直接方法。