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Dynamic operation and modelling of amine-based CO2 capture at pilot scale
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.08.016
Mai Bui , Paul Tait , Mathieu Lucquiaud , Niall Mac Dowell

This study combines pilot plant experiments and dynamic modelling to gain insight into the interaction between key process parameters in producing the dynamic response of an amine-based CO2 capture process. Three dynamic scenarios from the UKCCSRC PACT pilot plant are presented: (i) partial load stripping, (ii) capture plant ramping, and (iii) reboiler decoupling. These scenarios are representative of realistic flexible operation of non-baseload CCS power stations. Experimental plant data was used to validate a dynamic model developed in gCCS. In the capture plant ramping scenario, increased liquid-to-gas (L/G) ratio resulted in higher CO2 capture rate. The partial load stripping scenario demonstrated that the hot water flow directly affects reboiler temperature, which in turn, has an impact on the solvent lean loading and CO2 capture rate. The reboiler decoupling scenario demonstrates a similar relationship. Turning off the heat supply to the reboiler leads to a gradual decline in reboiler temperature, which increases solvent lean loading and reduces CO2 capture rate. The absorber column temperature profile is influenced by the degree of CO2 capture. For scenarios that result in lower solvent lean loading, the absorber temperature profile shifts to higher temperature (due to the higher CO2 capture rate).


中试规模的基于胺的CO 2捕集的动态操作和建模

这项研究结合了中试工厂实验和动态建模,以深入了解关键过程参数之间的相互作用,以产生基于胺的CO 2捕集过程的动态响应。提出了UKCCSRC PACT中试工厂的三个动态方案:(i)部分负荷汽提,(ii)捕集电厂的投产和(iii)再沸器解耦。这些场景代表了非基本负载CCS电站的实际灵活运行。实验工厂数据用于验证在gCCS中开发的动态模型。在捕集装置产能增加的情况下,液/气(L / G)比增加导致CO 2升高捕获率。部分负荷汽提情况表明,热水流量直接影响再沸器温度,进而影响贫溶剂负荷和CO 2捕集率。再沸器解耦情况表明了类似的关系。关闭再沸器的供热导致再沸器温度逐渐下降,这增加了贫溶剂的负荷并降低了CO 2捕集率。吸收塔温度曲线受CO 2捕集程度的影响。对于导致较低的贫油负荷的情况,吸收塔的温度曲线会移至较高的温度(由于较高的CO 2捕集率)。
