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Selective Alkane Oxidation by Manganese Oxide: Site Isolation of MnOx Chains at the Surface of MnWO4 Nanorods
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-23 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201510201
Xuan Li 1, 2 , Thomas Lunkenbein 1 , Verena Pfeifer 1 , Mateusz Jastak 1 , Pia Kjaer Nielsen 1 , Frank Girgsdies 1 , Axel Knop-Gericke 1 , Frank Rosowski 2, 3 , Robert Schlögl 1 , Annette Trunschke 1

The electronic and structural properties of vanadium‐containing phases govern the formation of isolated active sites at the surface of these catalysts for selective alkane oxidation. This concept is not restricted to vanadium oxide. The deliberate use of hydrothermal techniques can turn the typical combustion catalyst manganese oxide into a selective catalyst for oxidative propane dehydrogenation. Nanostructured, crystalline MnWO4 serves as the support that stabilizes a defect‐rich MnOx surface phase. Oxygen defects can be reversibly replenished and depleted at the reaction temperature. Terminating MnOx zigzag chains on the (010) crystal planes are suspected to bear structurally site‐isolated oxygen defects that account for the unexpectedly good performance of the catalyst in propane activation.



含钒相的电子和结构性质决定着这些催化剂表面选择性烷烃氧化反应中孤立的活性位点的形成。该概念不限于氧化钒。故意使用水热技术可以将典型的燃烧催化剂氧化锰转变成用于氧化丙烷脱氢的选择性催化剂。纳米结构的结晶MnWO 4用作稳定富含缺陷的MnO x表面相的载体。氧缺陷可以在反应温度下可逆地补充和消耗。终止MnO x 怀疑(010)晶面上的Z字形链带有在结构上局部隔离的氧缺陷,这说明了催化剂在丙烷活化中出乎意料的良好性能。