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Self‐Template Synthesis of Mesoporous Metal Oxide Spheres with Metal‐Mediated Inner Architectures and Superior Sensing Performance
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-23 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201806144
Gen Wang 1 , Jing Qin 1 , Xinran Zhou 2 , Yonghui Deng 2, 3 , Huanting Wang 4 , Yongxi Zhao 1 , Jing Wei 1

The development of a general strategy to synthesize mesoporous metal oxide spheres (MMOSs) with tailorable compositions and architectures is desirable and challenging. Herein, a general self‐template strategy is demonstrated for the synthesis of MMOSs with tunable compositions (i.e., ZnO, Al2O3, Co3O4, Fe2O3, CuO) and metal‐mediated inner architectures via thermal decomposition of metal‐phenolic coordination polymers (MPCPs). The metal species in MPCPs can obviously influence the decomposition temperature of the polymer networks (Td). The inner architectures of MMOSs are determined by Td and the crystallization temperature of metal oxides (Tc). The MMOSs show solid inner architectures when Td > Tc or Td < Tc and hollow structure when TdTc. Encouraged by their high surface area and accessible mesopores, gas sensors based on MMOSs (i.e., ZnO) are fabricated, which shows a low working temperature (250 °C) for detection of ethanol gas. The MMOSs (i.e., Co3O4) can further be used to fabricate sensing platform for detecting DNA analogue of miRNA‐21 (a biomarker abnormally expressed in most of solid tumors). Such MMOSs show high sensitivity (0.19 × 10−9m) and can even efficiently distinguish the target DNA from single‐, double‐ and triple‐base mismatched DNA.



合成具有可定制的成分和结构的中孔金属氧化物球(MMOS)的一般策略的开发是理想且具有挑战性的。本文展示了一种通用的自我模板化策略,该策略可通过热分解氧化二铝(ZnO,Al 2 O 3,Co 3 O 4,Fe 2 O 3,CuO)和金属介导的内部结构来合成具有可调组成的MMOS 。金属-酚配位聚合物(MPCP)。MPCP中的金属种类可以明显影响聚合物网络的分解温度(T d)。MMOS的内部架构由T d决定金属氧化物的结晶温度(T c)。所述MMOSs表明固体内部架构时Ť d > Ť ÇŤ d < Ť Ç和中空结构时Ť dŤ Ç。受到其高表面积和易于接近的中孔的鼓励,制造了基于MMOS(即ZnO)的气体传感器,该传感器显示出较低的工作温度(250°C),可检测乙醇气体。MMOS(即Co 3 O 4)还可用于构建传感平台,以检测miRNA-21(在大多数实体瘤中异常表达的生物标志物)的DNA类似物。这样的MMOS具有很高的灵敏度(0.19×10 -9 m),甚至可以有效地将目标DNA与单碱基,双碱基和三碱基错配的DNA区分开。