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Cell‐Nanoparticle Interactions at (Sub)–Nanometer Resolution Analyzed by Electron Microscopy and Correlative Coherent Anti‐Stokes Raman Scattering
Biotechnology Journal ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-23 , DOI: 10.1002/biot.201800413
Jukka Saarinen 1 , Friederike Gütter 2 , Mervi Lindman 3 , Mikael Agopov 1 , Sara J. Fraser‐Miller 1, 4 , Regina Scherließ 2 , Eija Jokitalo 3 , Hélder A. Santos 5 , Leena Peltonen 1 , Antti Isomäki 6 , Clare J. Strachan 1

A wide variety of nanoparticles are playing an increasingly important role in drug delivery. Label‐free imaging techniques are especially desirable to follow the cellular uptake and intracellular fate of nanoparticles. The combined correlative use of different techniques, each with unique advantages, facilitates more detailed investigation about such interactions. The synergistic use of correlative coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering and electron microscopy (C‐CARS‐EM) imaging offers label‐free, chemically‐specific, and (sub)‐nanometer spatial resolution for studying nanoparticle uptake into cells as demonstrated in the current study. Coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy offers chemically‐specific (sub)micron spatial resolution imaging without fluorescent labels while transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offers (sub)‐nanometer scale spatial resolution and thus visualization of precise nanoparticle localization at the sub‐cellular level. This proof‐of‐concept imaging platform with unlabeled drug nanocrystals and macrophage cells revealed good colocalization between the CARS signal and electron dense nanocrystals in TEM images. The correlative TEM images revealed subcellular localization of nanocrystals inside membrane bound vesicles, showing multivesicular body (MVB)−like morphology typical for late endosomes (LEs), endolysosomes, and phagolysosomes. C‐CARS‐EM imaging has much potential to study the interactions between a wide range of nanoparticles and cells with high precision and confidence.


