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Simultaneous Culture and Biomachining of Copper in MAC Medium: A Comparison between Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-22 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b04348
E. Díaz-Tena 1, 2 , G. Gallastegui 3 , M. Hipperdinger 2 , E. R. Donati 2 , N. Rojo 3 , A. Santaolalla 3 , M. Ramirez 4 , A. Barona 1 , A. Elías 1

Biomachining will not be considered as a full-scale manufacturing technology until a stable, controlled, and continuous metal removal rate (MRR) is achieved. In this research work, a novel strategy that could promote its industrial implementation, namely simultaneous bacterial growth and machining of copper contained in oxygen-free copper (OFC) workpieces, was investigated. This proposal has the major advantage of being a single-stage process, thereby reducing total operating times and becoming more economical in comparison with conventional biomachining (downtime due to bacterial growth would disappear). The study was carried out using mesophilic (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) and thermophilic (Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans) extremophile bacteria in order to prevent the progressive decrease in the amount of metal removed per unit time. A constant MRR of 43 mg h–1 was achieved with A. ferrooxidans in the simultaneous process. Despite the accomplishment of a constant MRR, this value is lower than the maximum MRR obtained in conventional biomachining (109 mg h–1), probably due to the inability of ferric ions to come into contact with the metallic surface. With regard to the culture period in MAC medium, S. thermosulfidooxidans showed a slower growth rate (0.11 h–1) and lower ferrous ion oxidation level (0.12 g Fe2+ L–1 h–1) than A. ferrooxidans (0.17 h–1 and 0.22 g Fe2+ L–1 h–1, respectively) under optimal pH (1.5) and Fe2+ concentration (6 g L–1) conditions.



在达到稳定,可控制且连续的金属去除率(MRR)之前,生物加工将不被视为全面的制造技术。在这项研究工作中,研究了一种可以促进其工业应用的新策略,即同时细菌生长和加工无氧铜(OFC)工件中包含的铜。该提议的主要优点是采用单阶段工艺,从而与传统的生物机械加工相比,减少了总操作时间,并且更加经济(由于细菌生长而导致的停机时间将消失)。这项研究是使用嗜温性(嗜酸硫铁酸氧化细菌)和嗜热性(嗜热硫氧化亚硫酸盐杆菌进行的。)极端微生物,以防止单位时间内去除的金属量逐渐减少。的43毫克h的恒定MRR -1用实现A.氧化亚铁硫杆菌的同时处理。尽管实现了恒定的MRR,但该值仍低于常规生物加工中获得的最大MRR(109 mg h –1),这可能是由于三价铁离子无法与金属表面接触所致。关于在MAC培养基中的培养期,热硫氧化过氧化物酶的生长速率(0.11 h –1)和亚铁离子氧化水平(0.12 g Fe 2+ L –1 h –1)较低。A.氧化亚铁硫杆菌(0.17ħ -1和0.22克Fe 2+大号-1 ħ -1,分别地)下的最佳pH(1.5)和Fe 2+浓度(6克L- -1)的条件下。