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N-Acetylglutamate Synthase Deficiency Due to a Recurrent Sequence Variant in the N-acetylglutamate Synthase Enhancer Region.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-Oct-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33457-0
Monique Williams 1 , Alberto Burlina 2 , Laura Rubert 2 , Giulia Polo 2 , George J G Ruijter 3 , Myrthe van den Born 3 , Véronique Rüfenacht 4 , Nantaporn Haskins 5 , Laura J C M van Zutven 3 , Mendel Tuchman 5 , Jasper J Saris 3 , Johannes Häberle 4 , Ljubica Caldovic 5

N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency (NAGSD, MIM #237310) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the urea cycle that results from absent or decreased production of N-acetylglutamate (NAG) due to either decreased NAGS gene expression or defective NAGS enzyme. NAG is essential for the activity of carbamylphosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the urea cycle. NAGSD is the only urea cycle disorder that can be treated with a single drug, N-carbamylglutamate (NCG), which can activate CPS1 and completely restore ureagenesis in patients with NAGSD. We describe a novel sequence variant NM_153006.2:c.-3026C > T in the NAGS enhancer that was found in three patients from two families with NAGSD; two patients had hyperammonemia that resolved upon treatment with NCG, while the third patient increased dietary protein intake after initiation of NCG therapy. Two patients were homozygous for the variant while the third patient had the c.-3026C > T variant and a partial uniparental disomy that encompassed the NAGS gene on chromosome 17. The c.-3026C > T sequence variant affects a base pair that is highly conserved in vertebrates; the variant is predicted to be deleterious by several bioinformatics tools. Functional assays in cultured HepG2 cells demonstrated that the c.-3026C > T substitution could result in reduced expression of the NAGS gene. These findings underscore the importance of analyzing NAGS gene regulatory regions when looking for molecular causes of NAGSD.



N-乙酰谷氨酸合酶缺乏症(NAGSD,MIM#237310)是尿素循环的常染色体隐性遗传疾病,是由于NAGS基因表达降低或NAGS酶缺陷导致N-乙酰谷氨酸(NAG)产量减少或减少所致。NAG对于氨基甲酸酯磷酸合成酶1(CPS1)(尿素循环的第一个也是限速酶)的活性至关重要。NAGSD是唯一可以用单一药物N-氨基甲酰谷氨酸(NCG)治疗的尿素循环疾病,它可以激活CPS1并完全恢复NAGSD患者的尿素生成。我们描述了NAGS增强子中的一个新的序列变异体NM_153006.2:c.-3026C> T,这是在两个来自NAGSD家族的三名患者中发现的。两名患者的高氨血症在接受NCG治疗后得以缓解,而第三位患者在开始NCG治疗后增加了饮食蛋白质的摄入量。两名患者的变体是纯合子,而第三位患者的c.-3026C> T变体和包含在17号染色​​体上的NAGS基因的部分单亲二体性。c.-3026C> T序列变体会影响高度同源的碱基对。保存在脊椎动物中;几种生物信息学工具预测该变种有害。在培养的HepG2细胞中的功能分析表明,c.-3026C> T取代可能导致NAGS基因表达降低。这些发现强调了在寻找NAGSD的分子原因时分析NAGS基因调控区的重要性。T变体和包含在17号染色​​体上的NAGS基因的部分单亲二体性。c.-3026C> T序列变体影响在脊椎动物中高度保守的碱基对;几种生物信息学工具预测该变种有害。在培养的HepG2细胞中的功能分析表明,c.-3026C> T取代可能导致NAGS基因表达降低。这些发现强调了在寻找NAGSD的分子原因时分析NAGS基因调控区的重要性。T变体和包含在17号染色​​体上的NAGS基因的部分单亲二体性。c.-3026C> T序列变体影响在脊椎动物中高度保守的碱基对;几种生物信息学工具预测该变种是有害的。在培养的HepG2细胞中的功能分析表明,c.-3026C> T取代可能导致NAGS基因表达降低。这些发现强调了在寻找NAGSD的分子原因时分析NAGS基因调控区的重要性。T取代可能导致NAGS基因表达降低。这些发现强调了在寻找NAGSD的分子原因时分析NAGS基因调控区的重要性。T取代可能导致NAGS基因表达降低。这些发现强调了在寻找NAGSD的分子原因时分析NAGS基因调控区的重要性。