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Selective Synthesis of Diglycerol Monoacetals via Catalyst-Transfer in Biphasic System and Assessment of their Surfactant Properties
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-15 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b04082
Qiong Tang 1 , Xu Li 1 , Jinxiang Dong 1, 2

Diglycerol obtained from biomass glycerol has been valorized into selective products by acetalization reaction in the presence of ZnCl2. A synthesis method of monoacetals via catalyst-transfer is carried out encompassing two phase-separated reagents, diglycerol with n-octanal. Mechanistic analysis has revealed that the formation of unstable emulsion promotes the reaction, and the selectivity is affected by the catalyst-transfer direction. By measuring the Zn content in the two phases, we demonstrated the transfer direction of ZnCl2 and the monoacetal were opposite, resulting in separation of the catalyst and the substrate. And the formation of diacetal was retarded. The products monoacetals exhibit superior surfactant properties, especially in terms of foam stability and alkali tolerance.



在ZnCl 2的存在下,通过乙缩醛化反应,将从生物质甘油获得的甘油二酯增值成选择性产物。进行了通过催化剂转移的单缩醛合成方法,包括两种相分离的试剂,双甘油和辛醇。机理分析表明,不稳定乳液的形成促进了反应,并且选择性受催化剂转移方向的影响。通过测量两相中的Zn含量,我们证明了ZnCl 2的转移方向与单缩醛相反,导致催化剂和底物分离。并且二缩醛的形成被延迟。单缩醛产品表现出优异的表面活性剂性能,特别是在泡沫稳定性和耐碱性方面。