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Tridentate Lewis Acids: Boron-, Silicon- and Gallium-Functionalised Tris(dimethylsilyl)methanes
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-18 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201501432
Eugen Weisheim , Anna Schwartzen , Lisa Kuhlmann , Beate Neumann , Hans-Georg Stammler , Norbert W. Mitzel

Flexible tridentate Lewis acids based on new trisilylmethane scaffolds with three ethynyl groups {Me3SiC[Si(Me)2C≡C–H]3} and three vinyl groups {Me3SiC[Si(Me)2CH=CH2]3}, respectively, have been synthesised and functionalised by metallation with gallium organyls to yield Me3SiC[Si(Me)2C≡C–GaR2]3 (R = Me, Et). Hydrometallation of the trisilylmethane frameworks with HB(C6F5)2 and various chlorosilanes afforded flexible poly-Lewis acids equipped with B(C6F5)2, SiCl3, SiMeCl2 and SiMe2Cl substituents. The reaction of these silicon-containing tridentate Lewis acids with SbF3 led to fluorine-substituted poly-Lewis acids of the type Me3SiC[Si(Me)2CH2CH2SiMe3–nFn]3 (n = 1–3). All the compounds were characterised by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, elemental analyses and some by X-ray diffraction.



基于具有三个乙炔基 {Me3SiC[Si(Me)2C≡C–H]3} 和三个乙烯基 {Me3SiC[Si(Me)2CH=CH2]3} 的新型三甲硅烷基甲烷支架的柔性三齿路易斯酸,已经被通过用有机镓金属化合成和功能化得到 Me3SiC[Si(Me)2C≡C–GaR2]3 (R = Me, Et)。用 HB(C6F5)2 和各种氯硅烷对三甲硅烷基甲烷骨架进行加氢金属化,得到带有 B(C6F5)2、S​​iCl3、SiMeCl2 和 SiMe2Cl 取代基的柔性聚路易斯酸。这些含硅三齿路易斯酸与 SbF3 的反应产生了 Me3SiC[Si(Me)2CH2CH2SiMe3–nFn]3 (n = 1–3) 类型的氟取代的聚路易斯酸。所有化合物均通过多核 NMR 光谱、质谱、元素分析和一些 X 射线衍射进行表征。