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Thioimidazolium Salts as a Platform for Nonvolatile Alkylators and Degradable Antiseptics
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-11 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b03874
Han Miao 1 , Ina Stephan 2 , Thomas Dimke 2 , Vincenzo Alessandro Cataldo 1 , Markus Antonietti 1 , Ryan Guterman 1

A collection of thioimidazolium salts were synthesized and used as a new class of nonvolatile alkylating agents. Their nonvolatility prevents exposure during use or handling and are thus drastically safer than conventional alkylating agents. We discovered that thioimidazolium iodide salts cannot release volatile compounds in the solid state, but instead only decompose when molten. Since decomposition proceeds via alkyl iodide elimination, SN2 of iodide on the thioimidazolium cation is constrained in the solid state, and instead can occur only upon melting when ions are mobile. By smart design of these alkylators, the melting point and thus the decomposition temperature of these salts can be increased from 106 to 169 °C and release negligible volatile organic compounds prior to melting. Thioimidazolium-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI) ionic liquids act as a completely nonvolatile and air-stable TFSI-based alkylating agent and can be used for high-throughput synthesis of TFSI ionic liquids without solvent. Alkyl groups from methyl to dodecyl can be transferred to a nucleophile and the product purified by sublimation of the thione byproduct, which can then be recycled. We also found that thioimidazolium salts with a dodecyl chain are bactericidal, yet can hydrolyze in water to form benign neutral products, and thus wont accumulate in the environment. These results demonstrate that thioimidazolium salts are a designable platform for the pursuit of safer and more environmentally friendly alkylating and antiseptic agents.



合成了一组硫代咪唑鎓盐,并将其用作一类新的非挥发性烷基化剂。它们的不挥发性防止在使用或处理期间暴露,因此比常规烷基化剂安全得多。我们发现硫代咪唑碘化物盐不能以固态释放挥发性化合物,而是仅在熔融时分解。由于分解是通过烷基碘的消除而进行的,因此S N硫咪唑鎓阳离子上的碘化物中有2个处于固态状态,取而代之的是只有在离子移动时熔化才发生。通过智能设计这些烷基化剂,可以将这些盐的熔点以及由此的分解温度从106°C升高至169°C,并在熔化之前释放出可忽略不计的挥发性有机化合物。硫咪唑鎓双(三氟甲磺酰基)酰亚胺(TFSI)离子液体充当完全不挥发且基于空气的稳定TFSI基烷基化剂,可用于无溶剂的高通量合成TFSI离子液体。从甲基到十二烷基的烷基可以被转移到亲核试剂中,并且通过硫酮副产物的升华来纯化产物,然后可以将其再循环。我们还发现带有十二烷基链的硫代咪唑鎓盐具有杀菌作用,却可以在水中水解形成良性的中性产物,因此不会在环境中累积。这些结果表明,硫代咪唑鎓盐是追求更安全,更环境友好的烷基化和防腐剂的可设计平台。