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Preparation of a High Performance Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Suppressing the Agglomeration of the Carbon Material with RbCl
ChemCatChem ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-31 , DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201801406
Bing Yuan 1 , Ping Li 1 , Mochong Tian 2 , Qing Qin 1 , Xien Liu 1

Replacing platinum (Pt) electrocatalysts with metal‐free or non‐precious metal electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) remains an enormous challenge. Herein, a new highly active spheroidal nanocarbon ORR electrocatalyst is synthesized by annealing a rubidium‐phytic acid gel. The catalyst is composed of N, P‐doped spheroidal nanocarbon modified by PO4 groups on the surface and with an ultralow content of Rb (0.005 wt%) (PON/C‐“Rb”). The agglomeration caused by annealing in the presence of phytic acid alone is completely suppressed by the addition of RbCl. Because more edges, defects and PO4 groups are present on the PON/C‐“Rb”, the as‐prepared PON/C‐“Rb” electrocatalyst exhibits an outstanding ORR activity with a half‐wave potential that is 40 mV more positive than that of the commercial Pt/C catalyst and a similar onset potential of 1.00 V in a 0.1 M KOH solution. More importantly, the primary zinc‐air battery with PON/C‐“Rb” as a cathode catalyst shows a specific capacity and an energy density of 705 mAh gZn−1 and 860 Wh KgZn−1, respectively, which are comparable to most of the best reported metal‐free and non‐precious metal catalysts.



用无金属或非贵金属的电催化剂代替铂(Pt)电催化剂进行氧还原反应(ORR)仍然是一个巨大的挑战。在此,通过annealing-植酸凝胶的退火合成了一种新型的高活性球状纳米碳ORR电催化剂。该催化剂是由N,P掺杂球状纳米碳由PO改性4 -的表面上,并用RB(0.005重量%)(PON / C-“RB”)的超低内容组。通过添加RbCl可以完全抑制仅在植酸存在下退火引起的团聚。因为更多的边,缺陷和PO 4 -PON / C-“ Rb”上存在两个基团,所制备的PON / C-“ Rb”电催化剂表现出出色的ORR活性,其半波电势比商用Pt / C的正电性高40 mV催化剂和在0.1 M KOH溶液中的1.00 V的类似起始电位。更重要的是,以PON / C-“ Rb”作为阴极催化剂的一次锌空气电池的比容量和能量密度分别为705 mAh g Zn -1和860 Wh Kg Zn -1,与报道最多的无金属和非贵金属催化剂。