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Rolling Mill Cycloconverter Condition Assessment by Harmonic Current via Time__requency Signature
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-18 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2017.2753282
Timothy Mitchell Thompkins , Do-In Kim , Philip Stone , Yong-June Shin

High-power industrial rolling mills rely heavily on the sustained operation of cycloconverters, a type of variable-frequency drive. This research proposes a methodology, which observes and diagnoses the operation of cycloconverters as either normal or abnormal by use of time-frequency signature analysis. Various features of the cycloconverter's input current in the time-frequency domain are identified and used to derive parameters that describe these two states in a quantitative manner. A reference model using the parameters is then developed, and comparisons in the time-frequency domain to real data are implemented. Based on these comparisons, a statistical decision boundary is delineated that is used to classify the health status of the cycloconverter.


