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Hetero-Bimetallic Effect as a Route to Access Multinuclear Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-04 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01466
Zhongrui Chen 1 , Gabriel Canard 1 , Denis Jacquemin 2 , Christophe Bucher 3 , Michel Giorgi 4 , Olivier Siri 1

We report the synthesis of a key mononuclear intermediate complex based on a quinoid ligand and its further metalation to afford the corresponding hetero-bimetallic compound that revealed unique properties. An unprecedented hetero-bimetallic effect in coordination chemistry could be indeed observed and exploited to prepare, through selective ligand exchange, a tetranuclear complex (Pd–Ni–Ni–Pd) absorbing light up to the far-red region. Most importantly, we describe here to the best of our knowledge the first use of bischelating ligand for ligand exchange, and this approach can be considered as a new route for incorporating planar units to access multi-heteronuclear complexes. The origin of this specific ligand exchange as well as of the nature of the electronic excited states of the relevant structures were investigated by first-principle calculations.


