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Front Cover: N‐Formylation of Amines with CO2 and H2 by Using NHC–Iridium Coordination Assemblies as Solid Molecular Catalysts (Chem. Asian J. 20/2018)
Chemistry - An Asian Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1002/asia.201801176
Yang Zhang 1 , Jiaquan Wang 1 , Haibo Zhu 1 , Tao Tu 1, 2

NHC–iridium coordination assemblies have been demonstrated as robust, efficient, and recyclable solid molecular catalysts for N‐formylation of various primary and secondary amines with H2 and CO2 under mild reaction conditions. A number of formamide derivatives could be synthesized in excellent yields even with chiral unprotected amino alcohols as substrates, and with catalyst loadings as low as 0.1 mol %. Furthermore, N,N‐dimethylformamide could be formed under solvent‐free conditions even at 0.1 mol % catalyst loading. Remarkably, the solid molecular catalyst could be readily reused via simple centrifugation and decantation without any activating treatments. Having no significant loss of activity after 10 runs highlights the potential of this protocol in industry. More information can be found in the Communication by Tao Tu et al. on page 3018 in Issue 20, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/asia.201800953).


前封面:通过使用NHC-铱配位体作为固体分子催化剂,将胺与CO2和H2进行N-甲酰化反应(Chem.Asian J.20 / 2018)

NHC-铱配位组件已被证明是在温和的反应条件下,能将各种伯胺和仲胺与H 2和CO 2进行N-甲酰化的稳固,高效且可回收的固体分子催化剂。即使使用手性未保护的氨基醇作为底物,并且催化剂负载量低至0.1 mol%,仍可以以优异的产率合成许多甲酰胺衍生物。此外,NN即使在催化剂负载量为0.1 mol%的情况下,也可以在无溶剂条件下形成二甲基甲酰胺。值得注意的是,固体分子催化剂可以通过简单的离心和倾析而容易地重复使用,而无需任何活化处理。10次​​运行后没有明显的活动损失,凸显了该协议在工业中的潜力。有关更多信息,请参见Tao Tu等的《通讯》。就在第20期,2018页3018(:10.1002 / asia.201800953 DOI)。