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CO2-Responsive Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by a Bio-based Rigid Surfactant with Nanosilica
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-26 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b03458
Xinyan Yan 1 , Zhaolan Zhai 1 , Ji Xu 1 , Zhanqian Song 1 , Shibin Shang 1, 2 , Xiaoping Rao 1, 2, 3

A novel CO2-responsive surfactant, maleopimaric acid glycidyl methacrylate ester 3-(dimethylamino)propylamine imide (MPAGN), based on sustainable resource of rosin was synthesized and used to prepare a kind of CO2-responsive Pickering emulsions with nanosilica. MPAGN can be reversibly responsive to CO2 and N2 between active cationic (MPAGNH+) and inactive nonionic (MPAGN), leading to adsorb on or desorb from the surface of nanosilica, then stabilize or break emulsion. CO2-responsive behavior of MPAGN was verified by cycle change of pH and conductivity with bubbling CO2 and N2 alternately. The type of adsorption of MPAGNH+ at the particle–water interface was explained according to the adsorption isotherms. The mechanisms of stabilization, destabilization, and restabilization of Pickering emulsion were analyzed according to zeta potentials and droplet size. This Pickering emulsion can be reversible between stable and unstable by bubbling CO2 and N2 alternately. Moreover, this emulsifier can be recycled when new oil was added after removing the initial oil. Therefore, it not only has economic benefits but also has an environmentally friendly property.


带有纳米二氧化硅的生物基刚性表面活性剂稳定的CO 2-响应性Pickering乳液

以松香的可持续资源为基础,合成了一种新型的CO 2响应型表面活性剂,马来酸三甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯(MPAGN),并制备了一种具有纳米二氧化硅特性的CO 2响应型Pickering乳液。MPAGN对活性阳离子(MPAGNH +)和非活性非离子(MPAGN)之间的CO 2和N 2具有可逆性响应,从而导致其在纳米二氧化硅表面吸附或解吸,然后稳定或破坏乳液。通过交替鼓泡CO 2和N 2的pH和电导率的循环变化来验证MPAGN的CO 2响应行为。MPAGNH的吸附类型根据吸附等温线解释了颗粒-水界面的+。根据ζ电势和液滴大小,分析了Pickering乳液的稳定,去稳定和再稳定化机理。通过交替鼓泡CO 2和N 2,该Pickering乳液可以在稳定和不稳定之间逆转。而且,当除去初始油后添加新油时,可以将该乳化剂再循环。因此,它不仅具有经济效益,而且具有环保特性。