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When Memristance Crosses the Path with Humidity Sensing—About the Importance of Protons and Its Opportunities in Valence Change Memristors
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-17 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201800282
Felix Messerschmitt 1, 2, 3 , Maximilian Jansen 1 , Jennifer L. M. Rupp 1, 2, 3

Resistive switching devices based on oxides have outstanding properties, making them a promising candidate to replace today's transistor‐based computer memories as non‐volatile valence change memories, and can even find future application in neuromorphic computing. To date, the scientific discussion is so far mainly restricted to oxygen vacancy contributions disregarding the role of protonic defects on resistive switching. In this work, the effect of moisture and protonic contributions on resistive switching by changes in the surface to bulk ratio and oxide surface exposure of the oxide SrTiO3 is studied. Here, a linear to exponential SET current density dependency, when changing the film thickness by a factor of four, is found, whereby the surface‐to‐bulk ratio of the oxide is significantly changed. This behavior is discussed in terms of differences in total concentration of oxygen vacancies and their interplay with moisture. For classic memristor applications, this study demonstrates that protonic defects need to be accounted for memristor characteristics, as they crucially influence the switching characteristics, and give new opportunities as an additional handle to actively tune the switching performance. This memristive dependency on protonic defects opens a whole plethora of new modulatable sensor characteristics like creating humidity sensors using the property of memristance.



基于氧化物的电阻式开关器件具有出色的性能,使其成为替代当今基于晶体管的计算机存储器作为非易失性价变化存储器的有希望的候选者,甚至可以在神经形态计算中找到未来的应用。迄今为止,迄今为止,科学讨论主要限于氧空位的贡献,而无视质子缺陷在电阻转换中的作用。在这项工作中,水分和质子贡献对氧化物开关SrTiO 3的表面体积比和氧化物表面暴露量的变化对电阻转换的影响被研究。在此,当将膜厚度改变四倍时,发现线性到指数SET电流密度依赖性,从而显着改变了氧化物的表面体积比。根据氧空位的总浓度差异及其与水分的相互作用来讨论此行为。对于经典的忆阻器应用,这项研究表明,质子缺陷必须考虑忆阻器特性,因为它们严重影响开关特性,并提供了新的机会作为主动调节开关性能的附加手段。忆阻对质子缺陷的依赖打开了许多新的可调制传感器特性,例如使用忆阻特性创建湿度传感器。