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Formation, Alkylation, and Hydrolysis of Chiral Nonracemic N-Amino Cyclic Carbamate Hydrazones: An Approach to the Enantioselective α-Alkylation of Ketones
The Journal of Organic Chemistry ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-10 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.8b00655
Uyen Huynh 1 , Stacey L. McDonald 1 , Daniel Lim 1 , Md. Nasir Uddin 1 , Sarah E. Wengryniuk 1 , Sumit Dey 1 , Don M. Coltart 1

The α-alkylation of ketones is a fundamental synthetic transformation. The development of asymmetric variants of this reaction is important given that numerous natural products, drugs, and related compounds exist as α-functionalized ketones or derivatives thereof. We previously reported our preliminary studies on the development of a new enantioselective ketone α-alkylation procedure using N-amino cyclic carbamate (ACC) auxiliaries. In comparison to other auxiliary-based methods, ACC alkylation offers a number of advantages and is both highly enantioselective and high yielding. Herein, we provide a full account of our studies on the enantioselective ACC ketone α-alkylation method.


