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Genome-Centered Metagenomics Analysis Reveals the Symbiotic Organisms Possessing Ability to Cross-Feed with Anammox Bacteria in Anammox Consortia
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b02599
Yunpeng Zhao 1 , Shufeng Liu 1 , Bo Jiang 1 , Ying Feng 1 , Tingting Zhu 2 , Huchun Tao 3 , Xi Tang 1 , Sitong Liu 1, 3

Although using anammox communities for efficient wastewater treatment has attracted much attention, the pure anammox bacteria are difficult to obtain, and the potential roles of symbiotic bacteria in anammox performance are still elusive. Here, we combined long-term reactor operation, genome-centered metagenomics, community functional structure, and metabolic pathway reconstruction to reveal multiple potential cross-feedings during anammox reactor start-up according to the 37 recovered metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). We found Armatimonadetes and Proteobacteria could contribute the secondary metabolites molybdopterin cofactor and folate for anammox bacteria to benefit their activity and growth. Chloroflexi-affiliated bacteria encoded the function of biosynthesizing exopolysaccharides for anammox consortium aggregation, based on the partial nucleotide sugars produced by anammox bacteria. Chlorobi-affiliated bacteria had the ability to degrade extracellular proteins produced by anammox bacteria to amino acids to affect consortium aggregation. Additionally, the Chloroflexi-affiliated bacteria harbored genes for a nitrite loop and could have a dual role in anammox performance during reactor start-up. Cross-feeding in anammox community adds a different dimension for understanding microbial interactions and emphasizes the importance of symbiotic bacteria in the anammox process for wastewater treatment.