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Superparamagnetic graphene quantum dot as a dual-modality contrast agent for confocal fluorescence microscopy and magnetomotive optical coherence tomography.
Journal of Biophotonics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-21 , DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201800219
Wei Li 1 , Wenxing Song 2 , Biqiong Chen 3 , Stephen J Matcher 1

A magnetic graphene quantum dot (MGQD) nanoparticle, synthesized by hydrothermally reducing and cutting graphene oxide‐iron oxide sheet, was demonstrated to possess the capabilities of simultaneous confocal fluorescence and magnetomotive optical coherence tomography (MMOCT) imaging. This MGQD shows low toxicity, significant tunable blue fluorescence and superparamagnetism, which can thus be used as a dual‐modality contrast agent for confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) and MMOCT. The feasibility of applying MGQD as a tracer of cells is shown by imaging and visualizing MGQD labeled cells using CFM and our in‐house MMOCT. Since MMOCT and CFM can offer anatomical structure and intracellular details, respectively, the MGQD for cell tracking could provide a more comprehensive diagnosis.


