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Pink grapefruit lycopene encapsulated in alginate‐based beads: stability towards freezing and drying
International Journal of Food Science & Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-05 , DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13946
Tatiana R. Aguirre Calvo 1 , Patricio R. Santagapita 1

Alginate‐based beads containing lycopene extract were produced with the addition of various sugars and biopolymers. In present work, lycopene stability was studied on beads subjected to thermal treatments: continuous freezing (−18 °C, 30 days), four freezing/thawing (f/t) cycles, dehydration by vacuum‐ and freeze‐drying. The progress of crystallisation was assessed using transversal relaxation times (T2) obtaining isothermal curves at different temperatures. Alginate beads containing trehalose with β‐cyclodextrin and arabic gum retained a high lycopene content (>80%) after freezing and drying, regardless of the freezing or drying method. Instead, beads containing only alginate showed sever lycopene decrease in all cases. Continuous freezing affected both lycopene content and stability to a higher extent than f/t cycles. Isothermal studies revealed the lower amount of crystallised water in beads containing trehalose (with or w/o other excipients), reducing also the time to arrive at the 50% of crystallisation during freezing.



含有番茄红素提取物的藻酸盐微珠是通过添加各种糖和生物聚合物而制得的。在目前的工作中,研究了番茄红素在经过以下热处理的珠粒上的稳定性:连续冷冻(−18°C,30天),四个冷冻/解冻(f / t)循环,真空脱水和冷冻干燥。使用横向弛豫时间(T 2)获得不同温度下的等温曲线。不论冷冻或干燥方法如何,含有海藻糖和β-环糊精和阿拉伯胶的藻酸盐珠在冷冻和干燥后均保持较高的番茄红素含量(> 80%)。相反,在所有情况下,仅包含藻酸盐的珠子都显示出番茄红素的严重减少。连续冷冻对番茄红素含量和稳定性的影响均大于f / t循环。等温研究表明,含有海藻糖(含或不含其他赋形剂)的微珠中的结晶水含量较低,从而减少了冷冻过程中达到50%结晶所需的时间。