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BiOBrxI1−x/BiOBr heterostructure engineering for efficient molecular oxygen activation
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.09.006
Yang Bai , Xian Shi , Pingquan Wang , Li Wnag , Kai Zhang , Ying Zhou , Haiquan Xie , Jinan Wang , Liqun Ye

The BiOBrxI1−x/BiOBr heterojunction structural photocatalyst was constructed successfully in this work and it was formed by the BiOBrxI1−x solid solution coupling with the BiOBr monomer, which was determined by efficient characterizations. For the photocatalytic property, The BiOBrxI1−x/BiOBr could degrade some organic pollutants efficiently and the oilfield produced waste water treatment efficiency of it was ideal. The reason for its enhanced photocatalytic property was also explored. Through ESR tests, trapping experiments and other efficient methods, the enhanced molecular oxygen activation capacity of induced 1O2 and O2 photogeneration by BiOBrxI1−x solid solution structure and heterostructure in one photocatalyst was confirmed, respectively. This work provided a new thought for enhanced molecular oxygen activation capacity of bismuth oxyhalide photocatalysts.


BiOBr x I 1-x / BiOBr异质结构工程可有效地激活分子氧

在这项工作中成功地构建了BiOBr x I 1-x / BiOBr异质结结构光催化剂,它是由BiOBr x I 1-x固溶体与BiOBr单体偶联形成的,这是通过高效表征确定的。就光催化性能而言,BiOBr x I 1-x / BiOBr可以有效降解某些有机污染物,该油田产生的废水处理效率是理想的。还探讨了其光催化性能增强的原因。通过ESR测试,诱捕实验和其他有效方法,增强了诱导的1 O 2和O的分子氧活化能力2 -光生由BiOBr X1-x固溶体结构和异质结构在一个光催化剂分别确认。这项工作为增强卤氧化铋光催化剂的分子氧活化能力提供了新思路。
