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New Class of 3.7 V Fe-Based Positive Electrode Materials for Na-Ion Battery Based on Cation-Disordered Polyanion Framework
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-31 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02354
Minkyu Kim 1 , Donghoon Kim 1 , Wontae Lee 1 , Hyun Myung Jang 1 , Byoungwoo Kang 1

We report a new triplite-type iron fluoro-sulfate compound, a cation-disordered NaFeSO4F that has redox potential of ∼3.7 V versus Na+/Na0 and can have 138 mA·h/g of theoretical capacity. This compound shows practical energy density (∼430 W·h/kg) comparable to that of several Li-ion battery positive electrode materials such as LiMn2O4 (430 W·h/kg). Therefore, triplite NaFeSO4F is a candidate positive electrode material which can meet the requirements for high energy density Na-ion batteries. Furthermore, this study contributes to expanding the spectrum of Na electrode materials to cation-disordered polyanion compounds and opens up new opportunities for the design of electrode materials for advanced Na-ion batteries.


基于阳离子无序聚阴离子骨架的新型3.7 V铁基钠离子电池正极材料

我们报道了一种新的三重铁型氟代硫酸铁化合物,一种阳离子无序的NaFeSO 4 F,相对于Na + / Na 0而言,氧化还原电势约为3.7 V ,理论容量为138 mA·h / g。该化合物的实际能量密度(约430 W·h / kg)与几种锂离子电池正极材料(例如LiMn 2 O 4)的能量密度(430 W·h / kg)相当。因此,三层NaFeSO 4F是可以满足高能量密度Na离子电池要求的候选正极材料。此外,这项研究有助于将Na电极材料的光谱扩展到阳离子无序的聚阴离子化合物,并为高级Na离子电池的电极材料设计开辟了新的机会。