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Are Bacteria Transplants the Future of Eczema Therapy?
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-18 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2018.12334
Jennifer Abbasi

A few years ago, LCDR Ian A. Myles, MD, got a hunch about eczema, an itchy, infection-prone inflammatory skin disease that affects 13% of children and 7% of adults in the United States. Looking at research articles, Myles, who is a chief medical officer of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and an immunologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), noticed an overlap in regions of the body colonized by gram-negative bacteria—the elbow folds, the backs of the knees, around the neck, and on the hands—and those frequently affected by eczema. This got him and a colleague thinking: Could these types of bacteria, which weren’t generally associated with skin conditions, have something to do with this one?

They suspected that gram-negative bugs were actually protective. People with healthy skin have more of the microbes on their bodies than people with eczema. Some categories of gram-negative bacteria, like those found on the skin, are known to produce beneficial lipids that are deficient in patients with eczema. And the fact that children usually outgrow eczema could be explained by acquiring healthy bacterial strains in day care, preschool, and beyond.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, has been linked since the 1970s with changes in the skin microbiome. In particular, people with the condition tend to have more gram-positive bugs—the other category of bacteria—on their skin than those without eczema. Up to 90% of people with eczema have gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus on their skin, which can worsen flare-ups and cause serious staph infections. But the interplay of eczema and gram-negative bacteria hasn’t been as well understood.





