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Conjugated Polyimine Dynamers as Phase-Sensitive Membrane Probes
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-29 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b06668
Naomi Sakai 1 , Stefan Matile 1

In this report, dynamic polyimines are introduced as multifunctional sensors of lipid bilayer phases. Under mildly acidic conditions, self-condensation of push-pull amino formyl fluorenes into polyimines occurs in solid- or liquid-ordered phases but not in liquid-disordered phases of vesicular membranes. The obtained conjugated polymers are characterized by a progressive red shift of the absorption maxima, the appearance of exciton-coupled circular dichroism (CD) bands, and fluorescence quenching. These characteristics allow multiple modes of detection of membrane phases, which are known to change under membrane tension.



在本报告中,动态聚亚胺被引入作为脂质双层相的多功能传感器。在弱酸性条件下,推拉氨基甲酰基芴自缩合成聚亚胺发生在固体或液体有序相中,而不发生在囊泡膜的液体无序相中。获得的共轭聚合物的特征在于吸收最大值的逐渐红移、激子耦合圆二色性 (CD) 带的出现和荧光猝灭。这些特性允许以多种模式检测膜相,已知膜相在膜张力下会发生变化。